Call For Papers: Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender

Call for Papers, Deadline March 15th, 2013

The Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender
The Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender invites proposals for
sessions in its 2013-2014 series.  Programs take place alternately at the
Schlesinger Library of the Radcliffe Institute and at the Massachusetts
Historical Society.  The Seminar’s steering committee welcomes suggestions
for papers dealing with all aspects of the history of women and/or gender
in the United States and will also consider projects comparing the American
experience with that in other parts of the world.

Each session focuses on the discussion of a pre-circulated paper.  The
essayist and an assigned commentator will each have an opportunity for
remarks before the discussion is opened to the floor.  Papers must be
available for circulation at least a month before the seminar date.

In developing its 2013-2014 series, the Seminar’s steering committee will
fill some sessions through invitations and others through this call for
papers.  If you would like to be considered for a slot, please send your CV
and a one-page précis of your paper by March 15 to Conrad E. Wright,
Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215,
or to<>.

In your proposal, please indicate when your paper will be available for
distribution.  If there are special scheduling conditions, such as a
planned trip to Boston or an extended period when you cannot make a
presentation, please so indicate in your proposal.

For more information on the Boston Seminar on the History of Women and
Gender visit the series webpage at

Kate Viens, Research Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Society
1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215
Tel: 617-646-0568, Fax: 617-859-0074 – America’s Oldest Historical Society – Founded 1791