Call For Papers: “Women, Religion, and Empowerment”

PHI Spring 2013 Conference: “Women, Religion, and Empowerment”
April 12 and 13 – Regis College, Weston, MA.

Religion provides individuals with not only spiritual guidance, but also serves a source of strength and empowerment. While both men and women embrace religion, their roles are often different; whether in regard to religious history, philosophy, rituals, or leadership opportunities, women are often forced to find their own way and redefine the religious experience.

The Sisters of St. Joseph, founders of Regis College are the source of inspiration for this conference. They have been a source of empowerment for women, both academically and spiritually, and exemplify this theme. Our keynote speaker will be Kathleen Kautzer. Author of The Underground Church: Nonviolent Resistance to the Vatican Empire, Dr. Kautzer has written extensively on women and feminism in the Catholic Church.

Paper, panel, and performance proposals from every discipline are welcome. Please send abstracts (250 words maximum) and a one page CV to by March 15, 2013. For more information on the conference, proposal submissions, or registration, please visit the conference website: