Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender

Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender
presented by the Massachusetts Historical Society and the Schlesinger
Library at Radcliffe

Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the Massachusetts Historical

Premilla Nadasen, Queens College
The Origins of the Domestic Worker Rights Movement
Comment: Ruth Milkman, City University of New York and Radcliffe Institute
for Advanced Study

This seminar paper is part of a book-length project. It follows four women
in particular, Geraldine Roberts, Mary McClendon, Geraldine Miller, and
Dorothy Bolden, to examine how and why they launched local campaigns for
the rights of domestic workers.

RSVP so we know how many will attend. To respond, email or call 617-646-0568. In case of inclement weather,
phone 617-536-1608 for information.

All seminars are free and open to the public. Each seminar consists of a
discussion of a pre-circulated paper provided to our subscribers. (Papers
will be available at the event for those who choose not to subscribe.)
Afterwards the organizers will provide a light buffet supper. For more
information, please visit

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!