The Moment of British Women’s History: Memories, Celebrations, Assessments, Critiques

This conference, which will be held at the Heyman Center at Columbia University on Feb. 8-9, 2013, examines the flourishing of women’s history in Britain in the 1970s, and the changing place of women’s and gender history within the academy. What have successive generations taken from earlier generations’ work, and how have they transformed it? What happened to those early theories and networks? What has been gained and lost through the process of institutionalization? What has happened both to the ‘place’ of the feminist imperative within history, and to the relatively privileged place of Britain within that scholarship?

Speakers include: Sally Alexander, Hazel Carby, Arianne Chernock, Anna Clark, Deborah Cohen, Leonore Davidoff, Lucy Delap, April Gallwey, Durba Ghosh, Katherine Gleadle, Susan Grayzel, Catherine Hall, Mary Hartman, Saidiya Hartman, Karen Hunt, Seth Koven, Tom Laqueur, Sharon Marcus, Penny Summerfield, Bonnie Smith, Pat Thane, Selina Todd, Deborah Valenze, Judith Walkowitz, and Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska.

To register, please contact Jonah Cardillo at