Call for Papers: Crimes of Passion: Representing Sexual Pathology in the Early 20th Century

Crimes of Passion: Representing Sexual Pathology in the Early 20th Century

Münster, Germany
24-26 July 2013

The discourse on sexual pathology claimed a central position in modern European
culture almost as quickly as it began to establish itself as a scientific discipline. The
bonds between science and culture seem all the more visible when it comes to the
science of sexual deviance, as many sexual scientists were quick to point out in their

Without empirical or statistical material at hand, the scientists turned to other sources
of knowledge in order to legitimize and systematize sexual pathology. Their earliest
case studies came from literature. Indeed, certain authors found themselves under
examination, as sexual themes in their books were treated as evidence of pathological
fantasies. These literary perversions became the basis for sexual pathologists’
scientific interpretations and psychological analyses. As part of the formation and
development of the discipline, the connection between sex and crime also played a
central role in the scandals, injustices, and power struggles associated with sexual
pathology in the early 20th century.

The popular reception of works by Richard Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hirschfeld, or
Erich Wulffen, in addition to their contested scientific reception, attest to a wide
interest in social deviation with sexual deviants being just one particularly scandalous
branch of alterity.

Indeed, deviation is the Other to that which is socially accepted, legitimate, and
institutionalized. Social deviance by definition breaks course from what is construed
as “normal.” The deviant breaks with the social order and, depending on the particular
historical and political configuration, might be dealt with as a criminal. The debate
surrounding Paragraph 175 of the German penal code that made sexual relations
between people of the same sex illegal highlights the virulent history of how sexual
deviance and crime were yoked together. Paragraph 175—enacted in the 19th century,
but which was not completely repealed until 1994—brought certain sexual relations
with their own specific social and cultural sanctions into the juridical realm of penal
codes and state regulation. A significant part of this new institutionalization of sexual
deviance (both academically and in terms of the law) involved thematizing gender
roles, especially questions of “the female.” The pathologization of femininity was
famously and scandalously presented by Otto Weininger in his Geschlecht und
Charakter, a work that marks another controversial episode in the history of sexual
pathology and modernism.

The conference Crimes of Passion focuses on the triad of sexuality, criminology and
literature during the early decades of the 20th century. We invite contributions that deal with representations and theories of sexual deviance broadly conceived. Especially welcome are papers that look at the interchange between literature, philosophy, criminology, and sexology. We also encourage contributions that address questions of sexual pathology at the beginning of the 20th century from a variety of fields and disciplines including but not limited to anthropology, sociology, history, art history, gender studies, or musicology.

Paper topics might present historical discussions of:

–representing criminalized femininity/masculinity

–reception of sexual theories in literature and popular culture

–representing and theorizing perversion

–intersections of criminal, sexual and political/social discourses

–the politics of sexual crimes

–anthropological aspects of sexual pathology

–cultural criticism and sexual pathology

We plan on publishing a selection of essays based on the papers presented at the

Please submit abstracts (250 words max.) and a short bio (50 words
max.) by 15 February 2013 to and We will inform you of our decision by 1 March 2013.