Volume 4 of Intersections, a blind peer-reviewed student journal run by the University of Toronto Women and Gender Studies Student Union is now accepting submissions.
The journal encourages its authors to employ transnational feminist theories and welcomes submissions that investigate and/or fall under any of following:
- Gender, sexuality and queer studies
- Political economy and critical development studies
- Feminist studies of technology, science, environment and biomedicine; and
- Feminist cultural studies
Intersections invites conventional essays, creative prose, poetry, visual art and academic reviews. We are always open to new genres and approaches – please contact us if you would like to submit a piece that does not fit readily into any of the above categories. Scholarly articles should range from 3,000 to 5,000 words, while book reviews should generally be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. In the case of visual work please submit a 100-200 word explanation on how your piece engages feminism(s) and/or social justice.
All submissions due April 9th at 11:59 pm.
For information on submission process please visit wgsintersections.wordpress.com