Call for Proposals: Women, Gender, and Sexuality

Women, Gender, and Sexuality,
Southwest Popular Culture Conference
Feb. 19-22, 2014
Proposals Nov. 1, 2013

library imageProposals are welcomed on any aspect of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Popular/American Culture. Topics which address the conference theme of “Popular and American Culture Studies: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” are especially invited. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:

• Television, Film, & Fictional Depictions of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
• Western & Non-Western Queer Identities
• Polyamorous /Polyandrous, GQ, and/or Transsexual Subjectivities
• Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Folk Culture, Art, History
• Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Politics, Business, or Industry

Submit your proposal directly into the conference database at: