Women’s History Month Celebrations at The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education

The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education is delighted to announce its program of events to celebrate Women’s History Month!

We will kick off the celebrations by publishing the two winning essays of the recent essay competition sponsored by The Friends of the Bryn Mawr College Library. The two winners – one alum, one current student – responded to the competition’s theme, “Transformations: How has the Bryn Mawr College experience made you the person you are today?” In different but equally thoughtful essays, current student Emily Adams (class of 2014) and alum Kären Mason (class of 1975) reflected on the ways in which their time at the college challenged them, shaped them and led them to questions, opportunities and unique experiences. Kären Mason’s essay will be published on the site on Friday March 1st with Emily’s Adam’s contribution being published in the third the week of March so keep an eye on the site for updates.

The celebrations continue with a weekly blog post dedicated to a brand new acquisition, The Woman’s Column, a pro-suffrage newsletter that recorded events from around the world. Our collection spans from 1892-1903 and features fascinating articles from some of the best known political and social campaigners of the time. Read the extracts for insights into what women thought about the issues of their day, what organizations they were involved in, and what public rhetoric they had to argue against in their quest to allow women throughout the world the right to vote.

By Trailer screenshot Uploaded by Lobo512 at en.wikipedia Public domain

On Thursday March 21st we will have a film screening in conjunction with the Bryn Mawr College campus chapter of the global initiative She’s The First and Half the Sky who are working to raise money for girls across the world accessing education for the first time. We will be showing one of Katharine Hepburn’s best known films, Adam’s Rib, in Thomas 110 at 6pm. Don’t miss your chance to see this iconic film! For further info on the film click here

Refreshments will be served and She’s the First will be selling cupcakes for $2. The money raised will go toward a scholarship for Namtasha, a junior involved in AfricAid’s The Kisa Project so please come hungry and support this fantastic cause. .

Follow the She’s the First campaign on Twitter @STF_BrynMawr and follow Half the Sky @half

These are important causes to ensure that women’s education keeps progressing throughout the world and the legacy of those who fought for women’s access to education in the past continues into the future.

We are also having our first conference, Women’s History in the Digital World, on Friday March 22nd and Saturday March 23rd. For access to the conference schedule, please visit the official conference website.

The conference brings together scholars, archivists, technologists, librarians, graduate students and those involved in the arts, heritage and cultural sectors to discuss their work on women’s history in the new realm of the digital world of research and teaching. Our keynote speaker, Professor Laura Mandell is Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She will speak on ‘Feminist Critique vs. Feminist Production in Digital Humanities’ at 5.30pm in Wyndham Alumnae House. This event is free and open to the community and will be followed by a reception, also at Wyndham. We have free student places available for the entire conference and are asking all students to RSVP in advance to secure their place by emailing greenfieldhwe@brynmawr.edu with your name and student ID number.

Are you arranging any Women’s History Month events? Be sure to let us know, we’d be happy to help you promote them (email greenfieldhwe@brynmawr.edu)

We will be tweeting regularly so don’t forget to follow us @GreenfieldHWE

Call for Papers: The ERA in the 21st Century

Call for Papers (due May 1, 2013)

Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
November 15-16, 2013

The Equal Rights Amendment, originally introduced to Congress by Alice
Paul in 1923, has long served as a symbol of inequality for women in our
national heritage.  The amendment is simple, and states:

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate
legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of

This conference invites proposals for conference papers that examine
issues of equality in the United States of America, using the ERA as a
conduit through which to open dialogues across academic, legal, and public
To submit your conference paper proposal, please e-mail a 250-500 word
abstract and a CV or brief bio to

mailto:eraconference2013@gmail.com>. Paper
proposals are due by MAY 1, 2013.For questions about the conference, please contact

ERA Conference 2013

Department of History and American Studies
Roger Williams University
One Old Ferry Road
Bristol, RI 02809
(401) 254-3171

Registration Continues for the Women’s History in the Digital World Conference

Registration continues for the Women’s History in the Digital World Conference, March 22nd -23rd 2013.

The conference brings together scholars, archivists, technologists, librarians, graduate students and those involved in the arts, heritage and cultural sectors to discuss their work on women’s history in the new realm of the digital world of research and teaching. Our keynote speaker on March 22rd, Professor Laura Mandell is Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She will speak on ‘Feminist Critique vs. Feminist Production in Digital Humanities’ at 5.30pm in Wyndham and will be followed by a reception, also at Wyndham. Consecutive panels and a roundtable, featuring over 50 speakers, will happen on Saturday March 23rd.

We have developed a separate conference website where you can find directions to the campus, the registration form and the full conference schedule. This site also acts as a repository for conference related materials after the event, so if you can’t make it be sure to check back for copies of the presentations you missed. Registration is completed online, with the $30 registration fee to be forwarded separately via check.

For access to the official conference website go to http://repository.brynmawr.edu/greenfield_conference/

Please email greenfieldhwe@brynmawr.edu if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you!



NEH Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute

NEH Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Humanities Heritage 3D Visualization: Theory and Practice June 17-July 6, 2013
Location: ASU and UAF
Application Deadline: March 15, 2013

Courtesy of SiForesight, siforesight.net

This summer institute brings together twenty scholars working in the humanities who have research or teaching projects that would benefit from real-time visualization in a game engine, published as standalone applications, web players, or on mobile devices. In a three-week institute, participants will be provided with a conceptual roadmap to the difficult but intellectually productive issues that surround the academic use of game engines, including the balance of immersion with accuracy, strategies for storytelling and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in “serious” games, and questions of power and appropriateness in using video game conventions to represent non-contemporary or non-Western cultures. Participants will also receive hands-on training in the digital toolbox for creating game engine content, a basic workflow that they would be able to use in their own projects and bring back to their home institutions. Training will include VSim, Unity 3D, online multi-user virtual environments, Google SketchUp, 3D Studio Max, Cinema 4D, as well as a broad range of open-source programs. No prior knowledge or experience in 3D modeling will be assumed.

A unique feature of the institute is the breadth of cultural heritage content it incorporates. This includes travel to ASU Heritage sites modeled by the CDI including the Lakeport Plantation in Lake Village, the boyhood home of Johnny Cash in Dyess, the Hemingway-Pfeiffer house and studio in Piggott, and the Japanese-American internment camp in Rohwer. At UAF participants will also participate in a Unity tutorial focused on the House of the Ara Massima in Pompeii. In bringing together an impressive group of lecturers who specialize in the use of 3D visualization and game engines as research tools in the digital humanities, the institute creates an important resource in the form of a community of scholars—which allows for future collaborations between individuals and universities.

All teachers selected to participate in the institute will be awarded a stipend of $2700 dollars to help cover travel costs, books and other research expenses, and living expenses.

Alyson A. Gill
Director, Center for Digital Initiatives
Associate Professor, Art History
Phone: 870-680-8282

Email: agill@astate.edu
Visit the website at http://www.humanitiesheritage.com

Conference: Gender Matters

Registration continues for the 3rd annual Gender Matters interdisciplinary conference. Early registration ends Friday, February 1st. Regular registration goes through March 15th. The conference will be April 12-13, 2013 in downtown Chicago at DePaul University.

More information, including a preliminary draft of the program is available at http://www.govst.edu/gendermatters Featuring Jack Halberstam (Keynote Address); Heather Carver (Featured Performer); and Laurens Grant (dir., Featured Film).

Register at: http://www.govst.edu/gmc

Connect on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gendermattersconference

Call For Papers: International Conference on Gender and Migration

University of Marmara, Istanbul, May 11-13, 2013

International Conference on Gender and Migration: Critical Issues and
Policy Implications

This international conference invites expert contributions on the
following areas: Transnationalism, diasporas and gender; Gender and labour
migration; Gender-based violence and forced migration; Migration and
gender in the media; Healthcare and migrant women; Gender and migrant
family relations; Gendered experiences in Turkish migration.

The Conference will take place at Marmara University, Istanbul, on
11-13th May 2013. Abstract submission deadline is 22nd February.

Beyza Ataci
London Centre for Social Studies
227/228 Strand, WC2R 1BE, UK
Email: b.ataci@socialstudies.org.uk
Visit the website at http://www.socialstudies.org.uk

Conference: Domestic Dissidents

Domestic dissidents: a re-examination of the lives, exchanges and everyday
experiences of radical religious women, 1500-1800

Registration for the upcoming ‘Domestic Dissidents’ conference to be held at the University of Warwick on 10 June 2013 is now open, deadline April 8th. The registration page can be accessed through the conference webpage:

A provisional programme for the day is also available on the conference
page, as well as details and links about accommodation and travel

Keynote speaker:

Professor Karin Wulf, William and Mary College, Virginia, USA

Conference details:

This one-day interdisciplinary conference seeks to bring together scholars
of all levels whose research touches upon the everyday lives and networks
of dissident women in early modern England, America and Europe.
Traditional histories of sectarian and non-conformist women in the early
modern period have attested to the prominent role women had in the spread
of religious sectarianism and the survival of individual movements such as
the Methodists, Baptists, Quakers and Catholic recusants. However, very
little has been discussed about the non-religious elements of these
women’s lives and experiences and how their religious affiliation affected
their position as wives and mothers and as members of communities. Through a
comparative framework, the conference aims to draw out key debates in the
study of women and radical religion and seeks to explore the less familiar
aspects of their lives as religious dissidents in the period 1500-1800.

If you have any questions, or need more information about travel,
accommodation or details about the day, feel free to contact me at the
email address below.

Naomi Wood
Doctoral Candidate
Department of History
University of Warwick

Extended deadline for Call for Papers: 3rd Infoviz workshop of Nedimah, Visual Tools and Methods in Digital Humanities: Capturing, Modelling, Reading, and Thinking about Knowledge Creation

The deadline for sending in Contributions for the 3rd Infoviz workshop of Nedimah has been changed to the the 21/2 at 13.00.
Please read the call for Papers and send your contributions to fredrik.palm@humlab.umu.se.

Information on the 3rd NeDiMAH infoviz workshop – Visual Tools and Methods in Digital Humanities: Capturing, Modelling, Reading, and Thinking about Knowledge Creation is available at: http://drupal.p164224.webspaceconfig.de/node/184

The workshop will happen the on the 7-8 of March in Umeå and accepted contributions will have have their travel and accommodation arranged by NEDIMAH.

Looking forward to your contribution!

Fredrik Palm (fredrik.palm@humlab.umu.se)
Orla Murphy

Call For Papers: PHI Spring Conference: “Women, Religion, & Empowerment”

The Public Heritage Institute (PHI) at Regis College invites proposals for papers and panels that address the topic of “Women, Religion, and Empowerment.” The conference will be held on the campus of Regis College in Weston, MA on April 12 and 13, 2013.

Religion provides individuals with not only spiritual guidance, but also serves a source of strength and empowerment. While both men and women embrace religion, their roles are often different; whether in regard to religious history, philosophy, rituals, or leadership opportunities, women are often forced to find their own way and redefine the religious experience. The Sisters of St. Joseph, founders of Regis College are the source of inspiration for this conference. They have been a source of empowerment for women, both academically and spiritually, and exemplify this theme.

Presenters might consider, but are not limited to, the following questions:

•How have religious institutions reacted to feminist calls for change?

•How do religious institutions with a male dominated hierarchy incorporate the female perspective?

•In what ways has history forgotten the role of women in religion?
•What are the ways in which art, music, or literature play a role in connecting the three (women, religion, and empowerment)?

Paper and panel proposals from every discipline are welcome. Please send abstracts (250 words maximum) and a one page CV to katina.fontes@regiscollege.edu by March 1, 2013.


Call For Proposals: Digital Frontiers 2013

The University of North Texas Digital Scholarship Co-Operative and UNT Libraries invite proposals for Digital Frontiers 2013, a conference that brings together the users and builders of digital resources for research and education.

Digital libraries provide unprecedented access to materials, and this has
dramatically expanded the possibilities of primary source research in the
humanities and related fields.

We seek submissions of individual papers, fully-constituted panels,
birds-of-a-feather discussions, hands-on tutorials, or posters–all based
on the use of digital archives, social media, and digital tools for
humanities research.

We encourage contributions from anyone who creates or uses digital
collections, including scholars, educators, genealogists, archivists,
technologists, librarians, and students. The goals of this conference are
to bring a broad community of users together to share their work across
disciplinary and administrative boundaries, and to explore the value and
impact that digital resources have on education and research.

Possible Topics:

  • Specific ways digital libraries have changed the state
    of research
  • Digital tools and methods for conducting research
  • Using digital collections in the classroom
  • Using digital libraries for research on any humanities
  • topic

Digital Frontiers is accepting proposals for:

  • Individual papers
  • Panels or Roundtables
  • Birds-of-a-Feather Discussions
  • Hands-on Tutorials & Workshops
  • Academic Posters

For specific guidelines and further details, please visit:

Deadline: April 30, 2013