Courtesy Co.Design,
Call for papers: Gender Transformation in the Academy
Advances in Gender Research, volume 19
The forthcoming volume of Advances in Gender Research will focus on the transformation of gender in academic life.
Areas of interest:
1. Changes that have occurred, those that are in progress and those that could take place.
2. Gender issues in the STEM disciplines–as they are relevant to technological initiatives in such areas as:
- recruitment
- retention and advancement of faculty
- faculty composition
- reduction of bias
- academic leadership
- work/family balance
- benefits including salary.
We welcome papers from all types of institutions, all parts of the world and all academic disciplines that focus on gender-related transformations in academic settings and that derive gender-based policy recommendations.
All feminist methodologies, quantitative as well as qualitative, and case studies of individual schools or disciplines as well as studies that compare schools or disciplines are welcome.
Submission details:
Final papers are expected to be in the 8,000-10,000 word range.
All inquires and submissions must be MS Word documents in English sent to the co-editors:
Marcia Texler Segal: ;
Vasilikie Demos: and
Catherine White Berheide
Inquiries are welcome at any time.
For full consideration for inclusion in the volume abstracts of at least one page, outlines or rough drafts must reach the editors by May 31, 2013 with final papers due March 2014 for publication in 2014