Call For Papers: Whose History is it Anyway? ‘Public’ History in Perspective

Conference title: Whose history is it anyway? ‘Public’ history in perspective

Date: 5-6 September 2013, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Keynote address: Hilda Kean

This is a multi-disciplinary conference aimed at a wide range of history and heritage practitioners making no distinction between professionals and non-professionals. Papers are thus invited from academic historians, those working or volunteering in the museum, heritage and archives sectors, those working in the media, film makers, funding bodies, policy makers, publishers, along with family, local and community historians.

This conference will explore issues of public engagement in history, the role of professionals in mediating knowledge of history, the role of institutions in interpreting and communicating knowledge and perspectives, and the role that society and the public have in preserving, mediating, creating and communicating their own histories. It is also concerned to explore issues of policy and funding for history research, education, conservation and dissemination.

Proposals are invited for single papers or panels. For a single paper please submit up to 250 words along with a short biographical note, your organisation (if any) and contact details. Prospective panel organisers should submit up to 500 words along with a short biographical note and contact details for each speaker. Work may subsequently be considered for publication.

The deadline for the submission of proposals is 31st January, 2013. Proposals, or enquiries relating to these, should be sent to the following email address: