Call for Papers: Organizing Powers

The Education, Knowledge Production and Science Studies Network invites you
to submit a paper, panel, or poster proposal for the 38th annual meeting of
the Social Science History Association. The meeting will take place November
21-24, 2013, in Chicago, Illinois. For more information on the meeting as
well as the call for proposals, please refer to the SSHA website:

The deadline for paper and/or panel submissions is February 15, 2013.

The members of the Social Science History Association share a
common interest in interdisciplinary and systematic approaches to
historical research, and many of us find the SSHA one of the most
interesting and varied conferences that we attend. The thematic topic of
the 2013 annual meeting is “Organizing Powers.”

We welcome panels and papers on any topic of interest to scholars of
education, knowledge production, and science studies. We are also
interested in paper sessions that relate the larger theme of the conference
to these topics, and encourage the submission of complete book panels.
Possible topics might include, but are certainly not limited to:

– education and unionization,
– proprietary or for-profit schooling,
– the state and knowledge production,
– science and power,
– social movements and educational institutions,
– power and educational reform,
– knowledge construction in economics,
– the role of experts in policy-making,
– the current crisis in higher education in historical context,
– education and the disempowered

Paper titles, brief abstracts, and contact information should be submitted
at While complete panel
proposals are preferred, we will do our best to place high-quality
individual paper submissions. Please list any other networks with which
your paper or panel submission overlaps, as the EKPSS network can also
co-sponsor panels with other networks.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the EKPSS network

Mary Ann Dzuback:
Beth Berman:
Adrea Lawrence: