Re:Humanities 2013

Courtesy pbey 4103-ICT,

Courtesy pbey 4103-ICT,

Schedule for Re:Humanities 2013

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Thursday, April 4th

4:30 pm “A Feminist in a Software Lab.”| Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College
Tara McPherson, of USC and editor of Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

5:45 – 6:45 pm Undergraduate Poster Session & Reception | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College

Friday, April 5th

9:35am Undergraduate Presentation I | Dalton 300, Bryn Mawr College
Undergrad digital humanists present their original research on topics from “Memes, Distant Reading, and Finnegan’s Wake” to “Mapping Before the Address: 18th C. Boston.”

10:45 – 11:00 am Break

11:00am- 12:00 pm Undergraduate Presentation II | Dalton 300, Bryn Mawr College
Undergrad digital humanists present their original research on topics from “Three Dimensional Modeling in Archaeological Interpretation” to “Oral History in the Digital Age: Audio and Spoken Narratives.”

1:00 pm “Undergraduate Research in the Spatial Humanities: Theories and Methods in the Soweto Historical GIS (SHGIS) Project”| Thomas 110, Bryn Mawr College
Angel David Nieves, Associate Professor of African Studies at Hamilton College and co-director of the Digital Humanities initiative (DHi)

2:00 pm Game Jam Workshop with The Learning Games Network | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College

3:00 pm Concluding Conversation | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College