Call For Proposals: Newberry Seminar on Women and Gender

Newberry Seminar on Women and Gender Call for Proposals
Deadline for Submission: April 25, 2013

library imageThe Newberry Seminar on Women and Gender brings together scholars from a variety of historical fields to share their work in progress. Our focus is on the United States and North America across all time periods; however, we welcome papers on non-American aspects of the history of women and gender. The seminar is open to graduate students, independent scholars, and faculty. To maximize time for discussion, papers are circulated electronically in advance. The seminar will meet on selected Fridays during the academic year, 3:00-5:00pm, at the Newberry Library in Chicago. To propose a paper, please send a one-page proposal, a statement explaining the relationship of the paper to your other work, and a brief c.v. to Carmen Jaramillo, Program Assistant, Dr. William M. Scholl Center for American History and Culture, The Newberry Library. Please send all materials as a single PDF attachment via email to
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