Thinking Transnational Feminisms is a collaborative five-day summer
institute (July 6-11, 2014, Columbus, Ohio) organized by and for
feminist scholars who are engaging the transnational as a process, a
critique, a paradigm, and/or a characteristic of social movement in
their scholarship to make sense of these multiple, sometimes
contradictory, approaches and concepts. We invite graduate students,
emerging, and established scholars to join us in exploring and
sharpening our understanding of where the field of “transnational
feminisms” is and where it is going by sharing and critiquing each
others’ work in progress. We especially invite non-U.S. based scholars
to participate in this institute to contribute to the work of
decentering U.S. academic practices in thinking through transnational
feminist knowledge production and engagements.
The institute will feature two types of sessions:
1. Paper workshops that help authors refine their research and
writing and advance our collective understanding of transnational
feminism. We envision limiting these sessions to 24 authors to
facilitate in depth engagement among all institute participants.
2. Roundtables that tackle “big” issues in transnational feminism.
To see the full CFP, the proposed roundtable themes, the estimated
costs, and to apply for the summer institute, please see: Applications are due Dec. 15, 2013. Questions can be directed to with the email title Transnational Feminisms Summer Institute.
Institutional sponsors collaborating in organizing and supporting this
conference include Arizona State University Women and Gender Studies,
The Ohio State University Department of Women’s Gender and Sexuality
Studies, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Department of Women
Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu
Co-Editor of Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies
Professor of History and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Ohio
State University