Extended Deadline for CCCC’s Feminisms Workshop, Feb. 28

ChristineInArchesExtended deadline to February 28 for proposals for the Feminisms Workshop at the Conference on College Composition and Communication.

The Feminisms Workshop is a full-day event that offers opportunities for all scholars at all levels to come together and discuss issues concerning feminism and the field of Composition and Rhetoric. It will take place Wednesday, March 19, 2014. The workshop features invited speakers who will cover a variety of topics with the goal of contextualizing and historicizing the way we think about gender in CompRhet. In addition, the workshop is a venue for receiving feedback on work-in-progress that uses feminist theories or methodologies during breakout sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their work with other feminist scholars; so please come prepared with any questions or concerns you may have! We encourage graduate students and scholars at all stages of their careers to join us.

If you are interested in being a work-in-progress presenter, please submit a 250-word proposal to guarantee a place at the roundtables. Plan for a 5-8 minute presentation that includes scholarship you wish to share and and get feedback on and questions for the group. Roundtable participants will be listed on the workshop program (separate from the official CCCC’s program). Participants in the Feminisms Workshop who do not submit a proposals ahead of time may have an opportunity to participate in the roundtable discussions if time permits.

The revised deadline for proposals is February 28. Submit proposals to: 4c2014feminismsworkshop@gmail.com