Call For Papers: The Imperial Court in China, Japan, and Korea: Women, Servants, and the Emperor’s Household

The University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim is pleased to announce the call for papers for “The Imperial Court in China, Japan, and Korea: Women, Servants, and the Emperor’s Household (1600 – early 1900s)” a symposium to be held at the University of San Francisco on Thursday and Friday, April 18-19, 2013.

The symposium will provide a forum for the examination and comparison of the imperial courts/houses and court life of China, Japan, and Korea through the lens of women, servants, and those who managed the Emperor and Empress’ households from the 1600s through early 1900s. Proposed themes include but are not limited to: imperial women, servants, and household managers with a particular focus on aspects of court life, relations of power, issues of gender, cultural identity, modernity, education, literature, and household economics and management. Papers which address border crossing themes or comparisons of the above mentioned imperial courts or those that explore relations between the different groups are particularly encouraged.

The deadline for proposals is Monday, January 7, 2013. Please e-mail your 250 word (maximum) abstract and Curriculum Vitae to subject line “Imperial Court Proposal.”

The Center for the Pacific Rim will provide grants to assist presenters with travel (as per USF travel policies).