October 26: AAUW Gender Studies Symposium

pages-flipOn Saturday, October 26, 2013, the American Association of University Women (www.aauw.org) is hosting the first national gathering of people interested in seeing women’s and gender studies offered in high school, the AAUW Gender Studies Symposium, Creating Classrooms of Justice: Teaching Gender Studies in School (www.aauw.org/gender-studies/). Featuring high school teacher and esteemed activist Ileana Jiménez (Feminist Teacher, www.feministteacher.com) and an exciting array of panel discussions, this one-day event at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, is open to attendees from across the country.

Sessions will focus on providing educators who want to introduce women’s and gender studies into their schools’ curricula with guidance on how to do so. In addition, the event will offer a platform for school administrators, academics, and activists to connect with teachers to generate ways to collaborate.

We are very pleased to invite you to join the conversation, learn, and share your vision for bringing women’s and gender studies to today’s classrooms. Each panel session will have time set aside for participants to engage in exciting dialogue with women’s studies teachers and professors as well as activists. There will also be a networking lunch and an afternoon session on creating collaborative partnerships.

For more information, see our agenda (www.aauw.org/gender-studies/symposium-schedule/) and list of speakers (www.aauw.org/gender-studies/speakers/)

Register (https://svc.aauw.org/eReg/index_GSC2013_reg.cfml) to attend by October 5, 2013.

The $25 registration fee includes a full day of sessions, breakfast, and a networking lunch.

The closest airport is the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. Ground transportation is available from there, including rental cars, taxis, and light rail, which has a line that runs from the airport to campus.

There are several affordable hotels near the campus. E-mail Holly Kearl at hollykearl@yahoo.com if you would like help finding a roommate to share hotel costs or have any questions about the event.

We look forward to you joining us for this historic day!

Ann-Marie Delgado, M. Ed., JD
Buhach Colony High School
Atwater, CA 95301