Call For Papers: There’s no place like home? Women-in-passage: ‘Home’ and migrations in women’s art since 1945

There’s no place like home? Women-in-passage: ‘Home’ and migrations in women’s art since 1945

Conference icon to use on blog postsHome is a natural place of belonging. However, as a threshold between the politics of domesticity and ideologies of nationhood and citizenship, it proves a loaded construct within the production of space. Read in tension with issues of migrations, ‘home’ becomes further charged. Such themes (considered, for example, in the work of Mieke Bal) have provided rich material worked by female artists in particular, addressing and challenging homes and homelands, their comforts and their strictures. 20th and 21st-century migrations, those of enforced mobility (expulsions) or performing the agency of motility (emigrations, whether on the domestic or the transnational level), have further destabilised previous concepts of ‘home’. Is home now a lost space? And, if so, how might, or have, artworks navigate(d) the precarious terrains of nostalgia such a loss makes present? Can practices of emplacement compensate for the absence of home? Can ‘home’ be reconstructed, perhaps even contesting nationalisms? Can memories function as operational tools re-mapping ‘home’ and emancipatory narratives?

In this mixed format session, including a roundtable, various presentations (papers, short performances or screenings) will address female artists and artworks from 1945 to the present which confront this nexus of ‘home’ and migration. We welcome papers on, but not limited to:

  • transnational migration,
  • inclusions / exclusions,
  • post-femininity and geographical mobility,
  • home / abroad,
  • incarnations of contemporary migrants,
  • relationships between female subjectivity and place,
  • nationalism as masculinised memory production,
  • the construction of the ‘foreigner’ as Other,
  • and larger issues of globalisation and identity.

Submission deadline: 11 November, 2013
Conference April 10-12, 2014, Royal College of Art, London

Basia Sliwinska

August Jordan Davis
Visit the website at


Call for Papers: Writing Women’s Lives

Writing Women’s Lives: Auto/Biography, Life Narratives, Myths and Historiography Symposium.
Yeditepe University, Istanbul.
April 19 – 20, 2014.

call-for-papersThe symposium calls for papers from a broad, interdisciplinary field of women’s life writing including biography and autobiography, letters, diaries, memoirs, family histories, case histories and other ways in which women’s lives have been recorded. The call is open to various genres and national, regional and global cultural traditions of women’s life writings as well as to papers on the related areas of women’s oral traditions, oral history research, testimonies, and the representation of women’s lives in all possible verbal and non-verbal art forms, such as documentaries, video, art, etc.

We welcome proposals for individual papers, roundtables, workshops, films and other presentations. The abstracts should be sent in English, but the presentations might be either in English or in Turkish. The maximum time allowed for any presentation will be 20 minutes. The organizing committee is working to provide simultaneous translation during the symposium. Abstracts of papers should be 250-500 words in length (in English only) and must include “the name of the writer and the affiliation”, a “short biodata” and the “contact addresses” (e-mail, postal address, phone and fax number). All documents must be submitted electronically via email to

Selected papers will be published in the symposium proceedings.

Organized by Women’s Library and Information Center Foundation and Yeditepe University, Department of History, Istanbul.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30, 2013.

For further information:

Call For Papers: Feral Feminisms Issue II

Feminist Un/Pleasure: Reflections on Perversity, BDSM, and Desire / Deadline 15 November 2013

Feral Feminisms is pleased to announce that their second Call for Papers, “Feminist Un/Pleasure: Reflections on Perversity, BDSM, and Desire,” guest edited by Toby Wiggins from York University in Toronto, is now open.

Click on for more information.

Ada Lovelace: An Interdisciplinary Conference Celebrating her Achievements and Legacy

book-stackCollege of Arts and Letters
Stevens Institute of Technology
October 17-18, 2013

The College of Arts and Letters at Stevens Institute of Technology is pleased to invite you to participate in our upcoming conference celebrating the achievements and legacy of Ada Byron King, Countess of Lovelace (1815-1852), to be held on our scenic campus 17 and 18 October 2013. Presenters will speak about Lovelace’s many achievements as well as the impact of her life and work, which reverberated through the sciences and humanities since the late nineteenth century. This conference heralds a recent resurgence in Lovelace scholarship thanks to the growth of interdisciplinary thinking and the expanding influence of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Our institute-wide commitment to the development of innovative thinking in a culture of collaboration makes Stevens an ideal venue for sharing ideas about Lovelace, a luminary figure whose life and works connect academics across disciplines and cultures. In addition, this conference reflects our dedication to fulfilling the mission of the College of Arts and Letters, which is, in part, “to advance research and scholarship at the intersection of science, technology, the arts, and the humanities […] through our unique and distinctive programs, centers, conferences and resources.” We anticipate an exciting, intellectually stimulating event attended by scholars, teachers, and students from around the world as we gather to explore this important thinker.
Featured Speakers

Our keynote speaker, Valerie Aurora, is Executive Director and co-founder of of The Ada Initiative, a non-profit collective founded in 2011 to promote women in open technology and culture. Aurora tirelessly helps women to get and stay involved in communities dedicated to changing the future of global society such as open source, open data, open education, and other areas of free and open technology and culture. She was recognized in 2011 as one of Femme-o-nomics Top 5 Women to Watch in Tech and, in 2012, she was cited as one of the 6 Most Influential Information Security Thinkers by SC Magazine. Aurora lives and works in San Francisco, California.

Our plenary speaker, Dr. Tom Misa, is Director of The Charles Babbage Institute. He is a historian specializing in the interactions of technology and modern culture and he has been active in the Society for the History of Technology, the international Tensions of Europe network, and several collaborative research and book projects. Dr. Misa is Professor in the History of Science and Technology at the University of Minnesota. His recent publications include: Gender Codes: Why Women are Leaving Computing. Editor (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010), Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities. Co-edited with Mikael Hård (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2007), and Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004).

Learn more and register:

Call For Papers: Jewish Women Writers – Witnesses to Injustice (NeMLA 2013)

45th Annual Convention
Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA)
April 3-6, 2014
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Host: Susquehanna University

Maxine Kumin asserts, “I now feel that we poets have to serve as witnesses at least to the injustices around us.” Echoing the intentions of many Jewish women writers to write about the “underdog,” Kumin writes on topics that include historic persecutions of Jews and contemporary Israeli society. Similarly, other Jewish women writers memorialize past and present iterations of discrimination and persecution by bearing witness. In genres that range from poetry to fiction to memoir, Jewish women writers represent instances of oppression and persecution in the 20th and 21st centuries, such as the Holocaust, as Alicia Ostriker does in “The Eighth and Thirteenth” (1994); the conflict in the Middle East, as Valérie Zenatti does in A Bottle in the Gaza Sea (2008); and racial and ethnic persecution in “Israeli” society, as Nehama Pukhachevsky does in “Aphia’s Plight” (1925). Given their own histories of discrimination and repression, as Jews and as women, Jewish women are understandably motivated to bear witness in their writing to the circumstances around them and to memorialize those in the past.

This panel seeks to bring together scholars of Jewish women writers-as-witnesses and hopes to have an array of themes from an array of events in the last century represented to theorize the ways in which Jewish women writers demonstrate sensitivity to the victimization of others.

Please include with your abstract:

– Name
– Affiliation
– Email address
– Postal address
– Telephone number
– A/V Requirements (if any; $10 handling fee with registration)

The 2014 NeMLA convention continues the Association’s tradition of sharing innovative scholarship in an engaging and generative location. This capitol city set on the Susquehanna River is known for its vibrant restaurant scene, historical sites, the National Civil War museum, and nearby Amish Country, antique shops, and Hershey Park. NeMLA has arranged low hotel rates of $104-$124.

The 2014 event will include guest speakers, literary readings, professional events, and workshops. A reading by George Saunders will open the Convention. His 2013 collection of short fiction, The Tenth of December, has been acclaimed by the New York Times as “the best book you’ll read this year.” The Keynote speaker will be David Staller of Project Shaw.

Interested participants may submit abstracts to more than one NeMLA session; however, panelists can only present one paper (panel or seminar). Convention participants may present a paper at a panel and also present at a creative session or participate in a roundtable.

Lois Rubin
Pennsylvania State University

Rachel Leah Jablon
University of Maryland
Email: and
Visit the website at

Guest Post: A Room With a View


Christine de Pizan

In this guest post, Elena Johnson ’16 reflects on architecture, female scholars, and intellectual inspiration. In the Balch seminar, ‘Bookmarks‘, Professor Katherine Rowe asks her students to consider the tools and conditions that shape the way we think and write. Drawing inspiration from a syllabus that included Virginia Woolf and Christine de Pizan, among others, Elena began to theorize the role of the constructed academic environment in which she found herself during her first year here at Bryn Mawr. This essay is her reflection on windows–both as a source of inspiration and illumination, and as a representation of the spatial luxury to which not all female scholars have had access.

Elena collaborated with the Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education to pair her words with photographs from the Bryn Mawr College archives, which illustrate some of the themes that weave throughout the piece. In addition to appearing in this post, we will be releasing weekly clusters of images on our Tumblr page. Be sure to follow us so that you don’t miss any! And check out the first posting here.

Bryn Mawr rises from a foundation of scholarly pride and ambition. Rather than model its dorms and classrooms after other women’s colleges, it takes its inspiration from the brooding gothic edifices of Oxford and Cambridge. Stone worked like lace glitters with windows in a statement of almost overwhelming grandeur: this is not Virginia Woolf’s impoverished Fernham1. Its founders did not intend for it to serve as a home away from home, with all the “women’s work” that that then implied, but as a rigorous monument to academia.  If nothing else, it does its best to intimidate newcomers.

Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf

As a freshman at Bryn Mawr, I enrolled in the school’s writing seminar program.  Instead of reading about volcanoes or Greek mythology (my other two choices), I found myself in a class called ‘Bookmarks’, where we read Christine de Pizan and Virginia Woolf2. Both women published their work in times and places where female scholars were relatively rare and considered something of a joke at best. Both took on the challenge of defending women, but where Christine claimed the existence of an innate feminine virtue, Woolf declared that women had been deprived of the basic essentials requisite to great writing. It was while reading these, surrounded by echoes of Oxford and Cambridge, that I realized the subject for this essay: windows.

In her essay, A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf proposes that by possessing both a private room and the money to pay for a comfortable life, a writer gains independence: the ability to separate oneself from the bitterness and distraction of reality. But in isolating these prerequisites to genius, Woolf overlooks a third, equally vital resource. Windows provide the writer with light, a view, and a degree of isolation somewhere between mind-numbing loneliness and the constant interruptions of the wider world.


Thomas Library

Traditionally, windows address a practical concern by providing would-be scholars with the light they need to work. At Bryn Mawr, they grace the high walls of Thomas Great Hall, once the reading room of Bryn Mawr’s library, with gothic splendor. In this photo, lamps sprout from every desk, yet the students pictured work mainly by the natural light that floods the room. Today, the Canaday, Collier and Carpenter libraries have replaced Thomas as popular study spots, but if anything these modern equivalents have expanded on its window-laced walls and the students who study in their sunlit carrels draw easy comparison to a much older variant on the same theme.


Christine de Pizan

In illustrations of The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine appears illuminated by windows.  One artist includes skylights and a wide arced opening, which take advantage of the sunny day (see image at top of post), while another demonstrates the aid these windows lend with a handful of long golden rays cast over the writer and her desk, highlighting her work in the eyes of the viewer. Writing in a room of her own, with sufficient funds, with the light provided by her windows, Christine produced valuable volumes to help fill the sorry gap on Woolf’s shelf.

Windows offer metaphorical illumination in addition to the more practical sort. In A Room of One’s Own, Woolf describes the “branch of illumination” (Woolf 44) and the “lamp in the spine” (18) as the source of brilliance and innovation, while spending bright sunny afternoons at the imaginary Oxbridge as she searches for inspiration. However, the real world thwarts these sources: the Spartan meal at Fernham puts out the lamp, and outraged gentlemen cast shadows on her day at Oxbridge. Both the light and Woolf’s inspiration, linked in her mind and in her words, are disrupted by the realities of sexism. Only in the final scenes of her essay, as Woolf awakes to “the light . . . falling in dusty shafts through the uncurtained windows” (94), does the “branch of illumination” bear fruit, drawing her away from the looping and frustrated logic of a male-dominated world and allowing her to think, clearly and independently, in her own room, with her own money.


Studying in a window

Where light mingles physical necessity with a more esoteric need, the view through a window exists more basically as a source of inspiration. Woolf benefits from this phenomenon throughout her struggle to produce A Room of One’s Own. First, at Oxbridge, the sight of a tailless cat through the window inspires Woolf to ponder the missing elements in a society torn by post-war sexism. Then at Fernham, she and Mary Seton discuss the poverty of their sex while standing at a window overlooking the grandeur of Oxbridge. However, Woolf’s greatest revelation occurs at the window of her private rooms in London. Exhausted after struggling through the male-dominated shelves of the library without much success, Woolf finds her answers through her bedroom window, where the sight of a man and a woman climbing into a taxi together finally inspires the conclusion of her essay.

Just as a window lets light in, it keeps out a world of interruptions, creating a degree of separation that allows Woolf to enjoy the isolation of her room without sacrificing the benefits of a broader view. While walking over the fields of the fictionalized Oxbridge, Woolf suffers constant interruptions that repeatedly destroy her thought process. Only by imagining herself “contained in a miraculous glass cabinet through which no sound [can] penetrate” (6) can Woolf resume thinking, albeit temporarily, glorying in her “freedom from any contact with the facts” (6). This early realization later contributes to Woolf’s high regard for privacy, but the mention of glass bears scrutinizing. While walling herself off from the facts of an oppressively sexist society gives her room to think, Woolf thinks about what she sees, inspired by the world around her. Though this paradox has no easy solution, windows appear as a possible compromise.

The degree of separation a window offers also gives refuge to the “androgynous mind” as Woolf calls it, referring to Coleridge. She posits that because of the recent polarization of the sexes, the works her contemporaries produce lack the same element of suggestion present in Coleridge, Shakespeare and Austen. Writers become too obsessed with defending or injuring one sex or the other, personifying masculinity or representing femininity. The window allows the writer’s mind to “separate itself from the people in the street” (96) and the emotional and cultural turbulence inherent there. A writer at a window need not write as a man or a woman about men or women, but as a person about people. Whether sitting by a Single_dorm_room_Bryn_Mawr_Collegewindow in a London apartment, or in a dorm in Bryn Mawr, or in a medieval study while dreaming of a City of Ladies, the presence of windows offers the same thing: a degree of isolation between you and yourself, a space to see society without getting caught up in its emotion, and an unparalleled opportunity for authenticity without interference.

A room of one’s own means a door with which to lock out the skeptics and critics, even the simple doubters who smile condescendingly at the writer’s hunger for self-expression. That five-hundred a year, now a much larger sum, means the writer need not depend upon a skeptical father, or a critical husband, or a doubtful boss for her livelihood. While privacy and independence help, the writer will also need a window. Not necessarily a very great window or a very beautiful one, but a gap in the wall through which light may enter in and her mind may wander out, free from scrutiny. A window, so that when she pauses, grasping at the next thought to put on paper, she may see beyond her room and her money and the waiting page.  Perhaps she will see nothing but the cold rain, tapping against the glass and forming clear rivulets that pool in the grass. Or, maybe, she will see two people, a young woman and a young man, get into a taxicab together and drive away.


Do you have a favorite window on campus? Do you prefer to work by natural light, or in a more secluded environment? Respond in the comments, or tweet your replies @GreenfieldHWE.

Editorial assistance by Evan McGonagill.


1. In her essay, Woolf juxtaposes the impoverished, fictionalized women’s college “Fernham” with the wealthier, equally fictionalized men’s college “Oxbridge” in an effort to highlight the disparity between the sexes, as well as the positive effect luxury has on innovative thought.

2. Because of the naming conventions of the era, scholars refer to Christine by her first name only. So for the sake of accuracy (and at the cost of comfort) I will do the same in this essay.

Call For Papers: War, Memory, and Gender – An Interdisciplinary Conference

book-stackCFP: War, Memory, and Gender: An Interdisciplinary Conference
Location: Mobile, Alabama
Conference Date: March 27-29, 2014
Deadline for Proposals: October 15, 2013

The past several decades have seen an explosion of scholarly interest in the subject of war and gender. At the same time, the study of collective or cultural memory, especially in connection with armed conflict, has become a veritable cottage industry. This conference seeks to bring these two areas of intensive study into dialogue with each other, exploring the complex ways in which gender shapes war memory and war memory shapes gender. Comprised of a select number of presentations (so that all participants will be able to hear every paper), together with a keynote address by Professor Jennifer Haytock (SUNY-Brockport) and a panel discussion featuring women military veterans, the conference will address multiple conflicts and nationalities from the perspectives of multiple disciplines.

Hosted by the Center for the Study of War and Memory and the Gender Studies Program at the University of South Alabama, “War, Memory, and Gender” will be held in the History Museum of Mobile, a beautiful structure located in the heart of the city’s scenic and historic downtown. Restaurants in the downtown area will host receptions for conference registrants, and a downtown hotel (to be announced) will offer a block of rooms at a reduced rate. Local attractions include Alabama Gulf-Coast beaches, the U.S.S. Alabama Memorial Park on Mobile Bay, the African-American Heritage Trail, the Bellingrath mansion and gardens, the Blakeley Civil War battlefield, the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, and the charming nearby towns of Daphne and Fairhope.

Interested scholars should email a 350-word proposal, along with a CV, to conference co-directors Martha Jane Brazy ( and Steven Trout ( before October 15, 2013.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

Remembering male and/or female bodies at war
War propaganda and gender
Women and forgotten conflicts
Gender, Race, and War
Women of color and war memory
Sexuality and War
Restoring women to the so-called Greatest Generation
Women and veterans’ organizations
The Vietnam War and the crisis of American masculinity
Remembering women combatants
Women as custodians of war memory
War, gender, and grief
Gender, war, and modernism(s)
Male and female war films
Women writers, male war stories
Medicine, war, and gender
LGBTQ memories of war
Trauma and gendered memory
Women artists/architects and public war memorials
Gender and military video games
Gender and historical writing about war
Gender and war reenactment

Early Entrance Exams, part 2: Bryn Mawr and the Ivy Leagues

UPenn HeaderIt’s the start of the new academic year, and the Greenfield Digital Center is looking forward to greeting returning students and giving a special welcome to those of you who are on campus for the first time. We know it took a lot to get here. Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to apply to college 120 years ago? Last year we published a series of early entrance examinations from the Seven Sisters, the schools (including Bryn Mawr College) that defined prestigious women’s education in the late nineteenth century. Though the institutions were all founded with slightly varying visions, they were set apart as a group from earlier models of women’s education by their mission to provide academically rigorous schooling that led to a degree. For the first time, women were being offered an academic experience that was comparable to that enjoyed by men.1

The difficulty of getting into a good college is a constant source of discussion in the twenty-first century, with admissions departments seeing incredibly high numbers of qualified applicants every year. Shouldn’t it have been easier to get into college 150 years ago, when there were fewer people applying? Not so, as we learned in the last post: even if there were only a handful of girls around the country whose parents were interested in making sure they had access to a college education, getting in was hardly a piece of cake. As our readers noticed, the entrance exams were hard—hard enough so that few of us could pass today, perhaps even after the four-year education that the exam would have qualified us to receive!

Last time we looked at how Bryn Mawr compared to the other Seven Sisters. But how would the test measure up against similar examples from the Ivy Leagues themselves? It is well documented that M. Carey Thomas, the first Dean and second President of Bryn Mawr College, aimed to make the education offered by Bryn Mawr equal in rigor to the standard American male education. Shaped by her vision, the College pursued this objective more deliberately than any of the other contemporary women’s colleges. While digging through the archives recently we came across a document describing the entrance examination for the University of Pennsylvania, as given in 1893, as well as a copy of the Harvard Examination for Women,2 also from 1893. Comparing these three documents gives us a window into how Bryn Mawr3 would have appeared alongside the schools it was designed to emulate.

The Harvard examinaBrynMawrHistoryHarvardExamHistorytion and the Bryn Mawr examination have similar sections in algebra (though Harvard’s has only one section, while Penn and Bryn Mawr both feature two) and geometry. All three have a heavy focus on classical studies, which were considered to be an essential area of study in history, philosophy, literature, and languages for all serious students in the nineteenth century. The first deviation that I noticed is that a scan of Harvard’s history essay questions and Bryn Mawr’s reveal a stylistic difference: while Harvard’s requires definitions of terms and summaries of events, Bryn Mawr’s essay questions tend to be more in-depth, as you can see from the pages shown above. (The Bryn Mawr exam shown to the left, Harvard on the right. Click for an enlarged view.) The subjects covered by the different exams (as far as we can tell from the documents we have access to) are as follows:

Bryn Mawr

  • Mathematics (Algebra, Plane Geometry, Solid Geometry, Trigonometry)
  • Latin (Grammar and Composition, Caesar, Cicero, Virgil, Sight Reading)
  • (though the Greek requirement is mentioned in the exam summary, that portion of the examination appears to be missing)
  • English History
  • American History
  • Grecian History
  • Roman History
  • English (Composition, Grammatical Correction)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Botany
  • Physiology
  • Physical geography
University of Pennsylvania:

  • Mathematics (Arithmetic, Plane Geometry, and Algebra)
  • History of the United States
  • Ancient History
  • English (Grammar, Composition and Reading)
  • Greek (Prose Composition, Grammar, Homer, and Xenophon)
  • Latin (Prose Composition, Grammar, Virgil, and Cicero)
  • German
  • French



  • History of Greece and Rome
  • History of the United States and of England
  • Mathematics (Algebra, Plane Geometry)
  • -rest of the document is omitted


It is difficult to make direct comparisons between the Bryn Mawr examination and the other two, considering that there are portions missing from the Harvard examination, and we only have a summary and description of the University of Pennsylvania examination. The University of Pennsylvania also had different requirements based on the division of their General Course in Science from the Course in Arts, options for specialization that the other schools did not incorporate into their exams. However, given the variances, the Bryn Mawr exam appears to require a broader command of subject matter from each candidate. For example, Bryn Mawr considered language study to be of the utmost importance, and required all candidates to be tested in Latin and two languages from Greek, German, and French. If she was not examined in all four, the candidate would be required to study a fourth language as part of her college curriculum. The University of Pennsylvania requirements, however, were narrower: candidates for the Course in Arts were examined in Latin and Greek only; candidates for the General Course in Science could elect to be tested in two 1892_035_Botanylanguages from Latin, French, and German, and candidates for the course in engineering were only required to know one language, either German or French. By gearing the test towards specialization in either humanities or sciences, the University of Pennsylvania thus required a narrower range of material for each candidate depending on his future area of study. Even candidates not applying to a specialized course at Bryn Mawr were required to have broad knowledge of both humanities and sciences—it appears to be the only one of the three schools that included a full section on botany. Would you have passed the section on botany based on your high school education?

An in-depth look at all three examinations suggests that the Bryn Mawr examination was the most challenging, mostly because of the incredible range of the subject matter in which the candidate was expected to demonstrate competence. This was directly connected to M. Carey Thomas’s vision for the type of education the school was to provide: in a published address given in 1900, entitled “College Entrance Requirements”, Thomas firmly stated her belief that “certain studies should be taken by everyone if we have in view the creation of intellectual power.” And it was the powerful intellect, not just career preparedness, that she was interested in cultivating for her students. Another reason that she advocated breadth as well as depth of study, especially in the pre-college and early college years, was that she did not believe that intellectual proclivities would necessarily arise immediately—the student needed time to explore different options and develop her abilities. In a memorable passage from the address, she refutes a statement by President Charles Eliot of Harvard University, first quoting him in his claim that “by the seventeenth, eighteenth or nineteenth year almost every peculiar mental or physical gift which by training can be made of value is already revealed to its possessor and to any observant friend” and responding that “I believe it is very rare—and as a rule profoundly unfortunate—for a decided aptitude or bent to manifest itself before a boy or girl has been two or three years in college, and usually the consciousness of it comes much later than this.” Thomas considered a broad education to be essential for the intellectual development of her students, no matter what they specialized in. However, it is also easy to imagine that the examination was crafted to be challenging in order to prove her point that women were as capable academically as men, and that Bryn Mawr College would be the school to prove that women could be educated at a level on par or even better than that of the equivalent elite male schools.

There is one item on the examination that distinguishes Bryn Mawr from its Ivy League counterparts and provides a hint as to what kind of school the candidate was applying to. In the grammatical correction section, candidates were required to fix the wording of the following passage:
1892_028_CorrectionsLarge_1Could it have been selected at random, or was it perhaps a nod of acknowledgment between the examiner and the candidates, aligned by a common conviction?

Would you have passed the Bryn Mawr examination as given in 1893? Would you have preferred to take the more focused University of Pennsylvania exam, or the Harvard Examination for Women? Do you think interdisciplinary study and late specialization is an important component of the college experience? Let us know in the comments section!

To view the examinations in full, click on the following links:



1 Furthermore, institutions like Bryn Mawr were offering access to graduate level education to women in the US, opening up the possibility of graduate study for American women without traveling to Europe for doctoral work as M. Carey Thomas had done.

2 The Harvard Examination for Women was a special case, as it was the only one that did not lead to admittance to the university issuing the test. At the time that Harvard began to give the examination, it did not admit women: the test was a way for young women to seek a certificate of academic achievement—a mark of accomplishment, rather than a ticket to the next phase of study. Though the University began offering classes to women through the Harvard Annex in 1879, it did not grant degrees to female scholars until the opening of Radcliffe College in 1894. Passage of the test was considered very prestigious, and the Bryn Mawr College entrance exam specifies that the Bryn Mawr entrance exam must be taken by all “except those who have passed in the corresponding divisions of the Harvard University Examination for Women, or who present a certificate for honorable dismissal from some college or university of acknowledged standing.”

3 We were unable to locate a Bryn Mawr College entrance examination from 1893, and will therefore be using an 1892 test for comparison.

Call For Papers: (In)Security, (In)Visibility and Gender in Historical Perspective

Conference at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, July 3-4, 2014 Organisation: Chair in German and European History of the 19th and 20th Century, Felix de Taillez M.A., Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schraut

pages-flipSecurity issues take a prominent place in the public perception as well as in the field of Security Studies. Historical science however, was not much concerned with security issues so far. This is all the more astonishing as “security” is a key word in policy and in legitimization of nation-building processes since early modern times.

The conference focuses on historical security issues in connection with their (in)visibility – above all from the perspective of cultural, media and gender history.

We expect contributions across successive historical periods from national, transnational, international and/or gender points of view, taking into consideration the following questions:
How is (in)security represented in the media?

How are measures to establish security or rather the negligence to install them legitimized?
Which patterns of argumentations can be found in the context of security issues in public debates and/or discourses?

Which (in)visibilities take security measures in public and private space (concerning also the physical presence)?

How is the relationship between (in)visible security measures and (in)security arranged?

Confronted with threat scenarios how were mutually influenced security issues, social norms and political systems?

We request a short exposé (3000 characters max) and a short CV by October 15, 2013 via email to or

Call For Papers: Queering the Quotidian

book-and-mouseQueering the Quotidian: Differential and Contested Spaces Within Neoliberalism

The Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life invites submissions for our annual symposium to be held March 07, 2014 at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. This year’s theme is “Queering the Quotidian: Differential and Contested Spaces Within Neoliberalism,” and our keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Jen Jack Gieseking of the Digital and Computational Studies Initiative at Bowdoin College. Gieseking’s work examines the everyday co-productions of space and identity that support or inhibit social, spatial, and economic justice in urban and digital environments, with a special focus on sexuality and gender.

While many critical interrogations of neoliberalism understandably consider it ubiquitous in its ability to permeate and restructure individual experience and everyday life, this symposium seeks to highlight its moments of instability, incongruence, and unexpected contradiction. This year’s symposium invites research that rethinks theories of the everyday; of particular interest is work that engages queer possibility and impossibility in the production of space and everyday practice within neoliberalism.

In addition to our theme, we will gladly consider abstracts that are more broadly concerned with the following areas of inquiry:

Spatial practices/everyday life

Feminist and queer geographies

Heterotopias, subtopias, and differential space

Phenomenology and sensory experiences of space

Non-places and/or abject space

Geological intersections with geography

Ecologies of space

The right to the city

We are open to receiving proposals for non-traditional presentations and from individuals at various stages in their research. All participants will be allotted the same amount of time to use however they see fit. Participants may choose to present a conference paper, a project overview, or even a set of research questions tailored to stimulate dialogue between the presenter and attendees. This symposium is committed to producing sustained conversations and a collaborative environment for scholars whose work engages our society’s specific interests in radical geography, spatial theory, and everyday life.

Those interested may submit proposals of no more than 500 words to symposium co-organizers Tahereh Aghdasifar and Andrea Miller at by November 01, 2013. Presenters will be notified of their acceptance by December 01, 2013. For more information on the symposium and the Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life, see our website at and like us on Facebook at