Call For Papers: West of England and South Wales Women’s History

CALL FOR PAPERS West of England and South Wales Women’s History
Network 20th Annual Conference
Women and Protest in Historical Perspective
Bath, Sat 15th June 2013

Courtesy Book Printing World,

Key Note Speaker
Sasha Roseneil, Birkbeck College
Remembering Feminism’s Queer ‘80s: emotional and material landscapes of the Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp

The conference aims to explore women’s collective action to achieve change over a wide variety of issues and contexts; these might include peace; food and the cost of living; suffrage; social questions; industrial action.

Proposals (200 words) for papers should be submitted to June Hannam at by Friday 5th April 2013.

Re:Humanities 2013

Courtesy pbey 4103-ICT,

Courtesy pbey 4103-ICT,

Schedule for Re:Humanities 2013

Check out the site:

Thursday, April 4th

4:30 pm “A Feminist in a Software Lab.”| Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College
Tara McPherson, of USC and editor of Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular

5:45 – 6:45 pm Undergraduate Poster Session & Reception | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College

Friday, April 5th

9:35am Undergraduate Presentation I | Dalton 300, Bryn Mawr College
Undergrad digital humanists present their original research on topics from “Memes, Distant Reading, and Finnegan’s Wake” to “Mapping Before the Address: 18th C. Boston.”

10:45 – 11:00 am Break

11:00am- 12:00 pm Undergraduate Presentation II | Dalton 300, Bryn Mawr College
Undergrad digital humanists present their original research on topics from “Three Dimensional Modeling in Archaeological Interpretation” to “Oral History in the Digital Age: Audio and Spoken Narratives.”

1:00 pm “Undergraduate Research in the Spatial Humanities: Theories and Methods in the Soweto Historical GIS (SHGIS) Project”| Thomas 110, Bryn Mawr College
Angel David Nieves, Associate Professor of African Studies at Hamilton College and co-director of the Digital Humanities initiative (DHi)

2:00 pm Game Jam Workshop with The Learning Games Network | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College

3:00 pm Concluding Conversation | Thomas Great Hall, Bryn Mawr College

Conference: Greece and Britain in Women’s Literary Imagination, 1913-2013

book-stackA day conference at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge on Friday 12 April. The conference will examine the work of British women novelists who have found their inspiration and subject matter in Greece, as well as novels by Greek women writers who have engaged with British settings and subjects.

The authors to be discussed range from Rose Macaulay and Virginia Woolf to Victoria Hislop and Sofka Zinovieff on the British side; on the Greek side we shall engage with the work of Angela Dimitrakaki and a number of other contemporary authors. We believe there is a rich vein of cultural interactions which have not been specifically examined and this conference will therefore be breaking new ground.

Booking and further information, including the programme, are available here:

The keynote speaker is:

Vassiliki Kolocotroni (University of Glasgow)

Other speakers include:

Rowena Fowler (Oxford)
Deirdre David (Temple University)
Sofka Zinovieff (Athens/London)
Kelli Daskala (University of Crete)
Laura Vivanco (Edinburgh)
Thodoris Chiotis (University of Oxford)

Call For Papers: Intersections: The Canadian National Women and Gender Undergraduate Journal


Please click above for enlarged view

Volume 4 of Intersections, a blind peer-reviewed student journal run by the University of Toronto Women and Gender Studies Student Union is now accepting submissions.

The journal encourages its authors to employ transnational feminist theories and welcomes submissions that investigate and/or fall under any of following:

  • Gender, sexuality and queer studies
  • Political economy and critical development studies
  • Feminist studies of technology, science, environment and biomedicine; and
  • Feminist cultural studies

Intersections invites conventional essays, creative prose, poetry, visual art and academic reviews. We are always open to new genres and approaches – please contact us if you would like to submit a piece that does not fit readily into any of the above categories. Scholarly articles should range from 3,000 to 5,000 words, while book reviews should generally be between 1,000 and 2,000 words. In the case of visual work please submit a 100-200 word explanation on how your piece engages feminism(s) and/or social justice.

All submissions due April 9th at 11:59 pm.

For information on submission process please visit

Call for Papers: Contemporary Experimental Women’s Writing, 12th October 2013, University of Manchester, UK

call-for-papersContemporary Experimental Women’s Writing
Keynote lecture: Dr. Rachel Carroll (University of Teesside)
Special guest speaker: Ali Smith

The recent, monumental, Routledge Companion to Experimental Literature (2012) aims to cover ‘the history of literary experiment from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present’ yet, according to the narrative it offers, women form only the most marginal part of that ‘history’; just one chapter devotes itself to women’s experimental writing, and the other chapters are dominated by references to male authors. As Ellen G. Friedman asserts, in that lone chapter: ‘For the most part, women experimental writers in the twentieth century were absent from surveys of innovative writing, and they were also absent from studies that focused entirely on women writers’ (Bray et al., 2012: 154). Similarly, recent discussions of literary experiment after postmodernism, of the legacies of modernist literary innovation, of ‘metamodernism’ and ‘altermodernism’ in the wider artistic and cultural realm, and of the new ‘avant-gardes’, primarily concern themselves with male authors such as David Peace, Thomas Pynchon, David Mitchell, J.M. Coetzee, David Foster Wallace, W.G. Sebald and Dave Eggers.
This one-day symposium – under the aegis of the Contemporary Women’s Writing Association – therefore sets out to investigate, analyse and celebrate the more experimental end of the wide spectrum of women’s writing since the 1960s. Like Friedman and Miriam Fuchs’ Breaking the Sequence (1989), the symposium aims to be both ‘archaeological and compensatory’, attending to established and emerging authors alike, and asking what counts as ‘experiment’ within contemporary women’s writing. What are the uses of experiment for women writers? What varieties and what degree of experimentalism can we trace in contemporary women’s writing? And how might an attentiveness to different manifestations of experimentalism broaden and complicate our understanding of ‘women’s writing’ as a (fraught) category?
The organisers invite papers on a range of topics and authors, including, but not limited to:

  • The meanings, definitions and uses of ‘experiment’ in contemporary women’s writing
  • The gendering of experimental writing, and of that writing’s reception, in the contemporary period
  • Experimental prose, poetry, drama, life writing, non-fiction and art writing by women
  • New readings of established, canonical authors such as Angela Carter, Ali Smith, Jeanette Winterson, and others
  • Experimental women writers who have, to date, received relatively little critical attention, such as Kathy Acker, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Christine Brooke-Rose, Maxine Chernoff, Lydia Davis, Eva Figes, Nikki Giovanni, Barbara Guest, Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, Bernadette Mayer, Suniti Namjoshi, Alice Notley, Ann Quin, Michèle Roberts, Sonia Sanchez, and others
  • Emerging experimental voices such as Naomi Alderman, Jennifer Egan, Chris Kraus, Lynne Tillman, and others
  • The experimental fiction of women theorists and critics, such as Hélène Cixous and Monique Wittig
  • ‘Other Poetries’ by, for example, Lucille Clifton, Emily Critchley, Carrie Etter, Jorie Graham, Marianne Morris, and Zoë Skoulding
  • The late works of modernist authors such as Jean Rhys, Anaïs Nin, and others
  • Experimental women’s writing in translation, including the works of Isabel Allende, Marie Darrieussecq, Marguerite Duras, Elfriede Jelinek, Clarice Lispector, Marlene Streeruwitz, Nathalie Sarraute, Luisa Valenzuela, Christa Wolf, and others
  • The sampling and deployment of ‘experimental’ techniques within otherwise ‘realist’ works by women writers such as Toni Morrison, Joyce Carol Oates and Zadie Smith
  • Postmodernist writing by women
  • Reading the legacies of modernist experiment in contemporary women’s writing
  • Multimodal literature by women
  • Experimental presses
  • The digital revolution and related experiments in the form and genre of women’s writing, e.g. in hypertext literatures, collaborative compositions, digital and interactive writing

Please send abstracts of c.300 words and a brief bio to Kaye Mitchell at by Friday 3rd May 2013. Proposals for panels of three interlinked papers are also welcome.
Dr. Kaye Mitchell (University of Manchester)
Dr. Becky Munford (Cardiff University)

The FWSA mailing list is for the exchange of ideas and information related to Feminism, Gender and Women’s Studies. We do not undertake editorial control of postings; viewpoints and information posted to the list do not necessarily represent the views of the Association. We encourage respectful communication on the list and ask that questions related to specific postings be directed to the appropriate party.

Association of Personal Historians (APH) Conference, Nov 8-12 2013

Worldwide members of the Association of Personal Historians (APH) will gather inside theCapital Beltway for their 19th annual conference in Bethesda, Maryland, November 8–12, 2013, for Capital Reflections. APH Conference Program Chair Ronda Barrett is planning a stimulating and educational program for experienced and beginning personal historians. The APH annual conference is a magnet for members wanting to explore ways to enhance their businesses of documenting personal and family histories.

Recent results from the 2010 Census reveal that the U.S. population 65 and older is now the  largest in terms of size and percent of the population, compared to any previous census. This elder population grew at a fasterrate than the total population between 2000 and 2010. The longevity of this age group has also increased. This has created a sense of urgency to document personal and family histories for our future generations before it’s
too late.
Founded in 1995, the Association of Personal Historians has 625 members representing eleven countries, including the U.S. For more information about the organization and their 2013 conference, please visit To contact the conference program chair, Ronda Barrett, please call 301-395-5989
or email

Call For Papers: Media Spaces of Gender and Sexuality

CFP: Media Spaces of Gender and Sexuality
Media Fields Journal
University of California, Santa Barbara

This issue of Media Fields investigates the connections between media, space, gender, and sexuality, seeking conversations that center on these interrelations and negotiations. We invite papers that raise questions of how media spaces construct gender, and how gender, in turn, constructs media spaces; how spaces condition and are conditioned by gender performances and sexual practices; and how gender legibility limits (or allows) access to various media spaces.
Film and media scholarship historically came of age through its study of the relationship between gender, sexuality, and media. Much has been written about the status of women as objects of the cinematic gaze, as well as about the status of female and queer-identified subjects as media producers. Yet in more recent times, issues of gender and sexuality have once again become marginalized in academic discourse, revealing the need for new explorations that coincide with the impact of the ?spatial turn.? In this age of conflict, dissent, surveillance, and migration?when the study of media is often also the study of the precariousness and dynamism of the spatial?it is particularly important to trace the interconnections between space, media, and gender.

We are inspired by the work of those film and media scholars who have explored such interconnections. Lynn Spigel’s seminal book on the gendered discourse surrounding domestic television viewing provides us with one useful example, as does Lucas Hilderbrand’s forthcoming work on the culture of gay bars after Stonewall. While some scholars like Spigel and Hilderbrand have studied the connections between gender, space, and media in their own work, fewer media studies journals have made this topic a primary focus. As a result, we seek scholarship that deals with space in a range of ways: essays might discuss online spaces that allow for specific negotiations of gender or sexuality, or with gender embodiment in physical spaces of various scales, from the very local (the living room, for example) to the global.
Essays might also draw upon feminist interventions into Marxist/historical materialist theories of space, as well as engaging the intersections between gender, race, and class. These important intersections exceed the label, ?identity politics??a label that we feel is now often deployed in order to debunk the continued relevance of gender and sexuality to any scholarly conversation. While we do indeed call for political approaches to gender and space?essays informed by the agendas of feminist and queer activism?we stress that gender and sexuality are not merely areas of special interest, but are instead structuring principles of discrimination that permeate our lives on a number of registers.

Thus, our approach is multivalent. We invite submissions that consider this complexity, possibly addressing the following topics:

–Transnational Queer and Feminist Media: How are flows of bodies, labor, capital, and images gendered and sexualized?

–Queering Questions of Scale: How does heterosexism delimit notions of nation, state, and the transnational?

–Gendered Spaces of Conflict and Dissent: How do media contribute to the gendering of the different spaces of war and dissent as well as of the subjects who are involved?

–Gender, Sexuality, and Online Spaces: How are social media practices and spaces gendered and sexualized?

–Queer/Feminist Gaming: representations of gendered and sexualized spaces in mainstream video games, gendered geographies of video game production,  gendered spaces of gaming culture

–Spaces of Surveillance: How is surveillance fundamentally gendered, sexualized, and spatialized? How does voyeurism continue to bolster certain experiences of space and place?

–Gendered Infrastructures: How are media infrastructures gendered, and why does this matter?

–Gender, Sexuality and Access: How do gender and its legibility (e.g., normativity) result in certain types of access to particular spaces?

We are looking for essays of 1500-2500 words, digital art projects, and audio or video interviews exploring the relationship between gender, sexuality, and space. We encourage approaches to this topic from scholars in cinema and media studies, anthropology, architecture, art and art history, communication, ecology, geography, literature, musicology, sociology, and other relevant fields.

Feel free to contact issue co-editors, Hannah Goodwin and Lindsay Palmer, with proposals and inquiries.

Email submissions, proposals, and inquiries to by May 30th, 2013.

Call For Articles: Mobile Learning Applications in Higher Education

For many educators, mobile technology in the field of teaching and learning has recently become one of the most important areas of research. Mobile learning has become a strategic topic for many organisations concerned with education.

The evolution of wireless technologies and the development of applications on mobile devices have been spectacular. The advent of new types of devices is disruptive to education, no matter what educators and education institutions do. Therefore, a thorough analysis, from a pedagogical and technological perspective, is key to ensuring an appropriate usage and implementation of mobile learning.

In the past two decades, we have experienced a revolution in wireless communications that has facilitated a reduction in people’s dependency on cable in order to communicate. Moreover, in the last decade, we have seen a huge evolution in the performance and features of mobile devices. In many cases and for many tasks, this has led to mobile devices being a possible replacement for laptop or desktop computers. While it is hard to say whether the new breed of devices will be an outright replacement, they certainly mean that there is a new layer of interaction.

Today, we are seeing an explosion of tools and programming languages to develop applications on mobile devices, as well as the creation of new ways to share and download/upload these applications from/to specific markets. This has enabled many programmers to develop mobile applications in a fast, cheap and readily marketable way. It has never been easier to create applications and make them globally available, and learning environments are no exception.

We live in a new age. This has been called the mobile age or the mobile technological revolution by several authors, and it has been likened to the first and second industrial revolutions. Without doubt, we have seen a significant increase in mobile learning experiences in higher education in the last five years.

Thematic areas

We are interested in receiving research articles on this topic by authors from all educational sectors and around the world. The specific thematic areas of the monographic Dossier are as follows:

Advances in mobile learning in higher education
Applications of mobile learning in higher education
Evaluation of mobile learning in higher education
Emerging technologies for mobile learning in higher education
Ethical considerations in mobile learning in higher education
Future of mobile learning in higher education
Historical perspectives of mobile learning in higher education
Instructional design for mobile learning in higher education
Interface design for mobile learning in higher education
Learner interaction in mobile learning in higher education
Learner support for mobile learning in higher education
Mobile Learning in higher education: best practices around the world
Research on mobile learning in higher education
Standards for developing mobile learning in higher education
Strategies for mobile learning in higher education

Guest Editors

Dr Mohamed Ally is professor in Distance Education and a researcher in the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) at Athabasca University, Canada. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. His current areas of research include mobile learning, e-learning, distance education, and the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in training and education. Dr Ally was president of the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO) and is one of the founding directors of the International Association of Mobile Learning (IAmLearn). He was also on the board of the Canadian Society for Training and Development. Dr Ally chaired the Fifth World Conference on Mobile Learning and co-chaired the First International Conference on Mobile Libraries. He has published four edited books on the use of mobile technology in education, training and libraries. His book Mobile Learning: Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training won the Charles A. Wedemeyer Award for making a significant contribution to distance education. He is currently editing three books in the areas of mobile learning and e-learning. Dr Ally has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, chapters in books and encyclopedias, and served on many journal boards and conference committees. He has presented keynote speeches, workshops, papers and seminars in many countries.

Dr Josep Prieto-Blázquez obtained his doctorate in Computer Science from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in January 2009. He also holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech, UPC). Since 1998, he has worked as a lecturer in the Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication Department at the UOC, where he has been the director of the Computer Engineering (CE) programme since 2001 and a vice-dean since 2009.

His line of research focuses on exploratory and application technology in the field of ICTs. He has participated in wireless, free software and virtual learning environment projects, and is also a member of the Mobility, Multimedia and Multidevice innovation group (mUOC) and of the Cryptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON) research group.

Submission deadline

Articles should be submitted by 30 June 2013.

Articles will be published in Volume 11, Number 1, in January 2014.

RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal
Elsa Corominas
Managing Editor

Visit the website at

Keynote today: “Feminist Critique vs. Feminist Production in Digital Humanities”

Today marks the beginning of Women’s History in the Digital World, the inaugural conference of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education!

MandellLauraKeynote speech by Professor Mandell
Friday, March 22nd, 5:30 pm
Ely Room, Wyndham
Reception to follow, all welcome

Laura Mandell is Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She is the author of Misogynous Economies: The Business of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999), a Longman Cultural Edition of The Castle of Otranto and Man of Feeling, and numerous articles primarily about eighteenth-century women writers, and Breaking the Book (forthcoming). She is Editor of the Poetess Archive, on online scholarly edition and database of women poets, 1750-1900, Director of 18thConnect, and Director of ARC, the Advanced Research Consortium overseeing NINES, 18thConnect, and MESA. Professor Mandell will speak on ‘Feminist Critique vs. Feminist Production in Digital Humanities’.

The conference will bring together scholars, archivists, technologists, librarians, graduate students and those involved in the arts, heritage and cultural sectors to discuss their work on women’s history in the new realm of the digital world of research and teaching.To view a full schedule and speaker bios please refer to the conference site: Participants are coming from across the US and the world to showcase their work, share information on tools, research, funding and practices, and most of all, meet each other in an environment wholly dedicated to women’s history issues in the digital era. Members of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education and its Advisory Board members will be in attendance to inform you about our work and our future plans.

As advertised on the official conference website, we are also offering a free tour of campus at 3.30pm on Friday March 22nd before the conference begins. If you would like to attend the tour, please email with ‘RSVP Tour’ in the subject line of the email.

If you cannot attend the keynote, use the conference hashtag #WHDigWrld to follow the action! We will be posting updates via Twitter @GreenfieldHWE

For any queries regarding the conference or the work of the Center, please email the Director, Jennifer Redmond, at

Come join us – we look forward to seeing you!



Women’s History in the Digital World – March 22nd to 23rd 2013

Women's History in the Digital World Conference POSTERIt’s almost time for the inaugural conference of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education!

Women’s History in the Digital World offers a packed schedule of digital humanities projects that focus on women’s history. Participants are coming from across the US and the world to showcase their work, share information on tools, research, funding and practices, and most of all, meet each other in an environment wholly dedicated to women’s history issues in the digital era. Members of The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education and its Advisory Board members will be in attendance to inform you about our work and our future plans.

Our keynote speaker, Laura Mandell is Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture and Professor of English at Texas A&M University. She is the author of Misogynous Economies: The Business of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Britain (1999), a Longman Cultural Edition of The Castle of Otranto and Man of Feeling, and numerous articles primarily about eighteenth-century women writers, and Breaking the Book (forthcoming). She is Editor of the Poetess Archive, on online scholarly edition and database of women poets, 1750-1900, Director of 18thConnect, and Director of ARC, the Advanced Research Consortium overseeing NINES, 18thConnect, and MESA. Professor Mandell will speak on ‘Feminist Critique vs. Feminist Production in Digital Humanities’.

Registration is open and you must register online if you are planning to attend the conference by going to the registration page of the official conference website. It’s not too late to register! Registration fee is just $30 and this gives you access to the full conference, including the keynote and reception on Friday, all panels, coffee breaks and lunch on Saturday and a special closing reception at the gallery in Canaday Library to see Taking Her PlaceTakingHerPlacefrontFINAL a show curated by The Albert M. Greenfield Digital Center for the History of Women’s Education. This will give conference attendees a final chance to engage with each other, view the collections of Bryn Mawr College, and wind down after a productive and fruitful gathering.

Don’t forget that, as advertised on the official conference website, we are also offering a free tour of campus at 3.30pm on Friday March 22nd before the conference begins. If you would like to attend the tour, please email with ‘RSVP Tour’ in the subject line of the email.

Presenters at the conference are offered the ability to upload their presentations and related material to our institutional digital repository so they can be shared afterwards.

Our official conference hashtag is #WHDigWrld so if you’re coming to the conference don’t forget to promoted and follow the conversation using it, and as always, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @GreenfieldHWE

For any queries about the conference, including registration, please email For specific queries about the work of the Center, please email the Director, Jennifer Redmond, at

Come join us – we look forward to seeing you!