Call for Papers: Crimes of Passion: Representing Sexual Pathology in the Early 20th Century

Crimes of Passion: Representing Sexual Pathology in the Early 20th Century

Münster, Germany
24-26 July 2013

The discourse on sexual pathology claimed a central position in modern European
culture almost as quickly as it began to establish itself as a scientific discipline. The
bonds between science and culture seem all the more visible when it comes to the
science of sexual deviance, as many sexual scientists were quick to point out in their

Without empirical or statistical material at hand, the scientists turned to other sources
of knowledge in order to legitimize and systematize sexual pathology. Their earliest
case studies came from literature. Indeed, certain authors found themselves under
examination, as sexual themes in their books were treated as evidence of pathological
fantasies. These literary perversions became the basis for sexual pathologists’
scientific interpretations and psychological analyses. As part of the formation and
development of the discipline, the connection between sex and crime also played a
central role in the scandals, injustices, and power struggles associated with sexual
pathology in the early 20th century.

The popular reception of works by Richard Krafft-Ebing, Magnus Hirschfeld, or
Erich Wulffen, in addition to their contested scientific reception, attest to a wide
interest in social deviation with sexual deviants being just one particularly scandalous
branch of alterity.

Indeed, deviation is the Other to that which is socially accepted, legitimate, and
institutionalized. Social deviance by definition breaks course from what is construed
as “normal.” The deviant breaks with the social order and, depending on the particular
historical and political configuration, might be dealt with as a criminal. The debate
surrounding Paragraph 175 of the German penal code that made sexual relations
between people of the same sex illegal highlights the virulent history of how sexual
deviance and crime were yoked together. Paragraph 175—enacted in the 19th century,
but which was not completely repealed until 1994—brought certain sexual relations
with their own specific social and cultural sanctions into the juridical realm of penal
codes and state regulation. A significant part of this new institutionalization of sexual
deviance (both academically and in terms of the law) involved thematizing gender
roles, especially questions of “the female.” The pathologization of femininity was
famously and scandalously presented by Otto Weininger in his Geschlecht und
Charakter, a work that marks another controversial episode in the history of sexual
pathology and modernism.

The conference Crimes of Passion focuses on the triad of sexuality, criminology and
literature during the early decades of the 20th century. We invite contributions that deal with representations and theories of sexual deviance broadly conceived. Especially welcome are papers that look at the interchange between literature, philosophy, criminology, and sexology. We also encourage contributions that address questions of sexual pathology at the beginning of the 20th century from a variety of fields and disciplines including but not limited to anthropology, sociology, history, art history, gender studies, or musicology.

Paper topics might present historical discussions of:

–representing criminalized femininity/masculinity

–reception of sexual theories in literature and popular culture

–representing and theorizing perversion

–intersections of criminal, sexual and political/social discourses

–the politics of sexual crimes

–anthropological aspects of sexual pathology

–cultural criticism and sexual pathology

We plan on publishing a selection of essays based on the papers presented at the

Please submit abstracts (250 words max.) and a short bio (50 words
max.) by 15 February 2013 to and We will inform you of our decision by 1 March 2013.

Call For Papers: Women and the Silent Screen VII: Performance and the Emotions

Women and the Silent Screen VII: Performance and the Emotions
The University of Melbourne, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2013


Previously held in Utrecht, Santa Cruz, Montréal, Guadalajara, Stockholm
and Bologna, this is the first time the conference has been brought to the
Australia-Pacific region. We are inviting participants to submit abstracts
(200-300 words, headed by a paper title) as well as a short biographical
statement by 20/01/2013. Those who would like to propose panels or
workshops should submit a panel title, as well as the individual paper
proposal. We hope that the nature of the industry itself can become a
starting point for questions about women’s collaborative endeavor. Topics
may include but are not limited to:

*   Performance and the emotions
*   Women making films
*   Film and the archive
*   Transnational collaborations
*   Indigeneity and Indigenous Peoples
*   Set design and fashion
*   Monstrosity and the silent screen
*   Queer theory
*   Historiography
*   Studies in National cinemas (especially Australian, East & South East
Asian film)
*   The New Woman
*   The Sound of the Silents

Those whose work does not fall within these categories are still encouraged
to submit a proposal. We will make every effort to represent the breadth of
scholarship being undertaken in film history.

The conference welcomes participation from scholars, archivists, students
and cinephiles. It is supported by a program of screenings at ACMI
(Australia Centre for the Moving Image), which will run from 26 September
to 30 September, 2013. This program will be developed in collaboration with
the National Film and Sound Archive.

The conference is convened by Victoria Duckett and Jeanette Hoorn. Keynote
speakers include Richard Abel, Weihong Bao, Pam Cook, Barbara Creed, Mary
Ann Doane and Shelley Stamp.

Please send your abstracts, or any questions you might have to the
organizers at

Call For Papers: Gender and Political Culture, 1400-1800

A Joint Conference organised by History and the Centre for Humanities, Music and Performing Arts (HuMPA) at Plymouth University and Umeå Group for Pre-modern Studies To be held at Plymouth University, 29-31 August 2013

Keynote Speakers: Professor Barbara J. Harris (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) and Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

This conference investigates gender and political culture during the period 1400 to 1800, and the organizers welcome proposals for papers on topics related to the conference theme. The conference aims to create possibilities for comparative research and is therefore looking to attract a broad variety of studies across periods, disciplines and geographical regions. We also wish to attract both senior scholars and doctoral students. During the conference there will be sessions where participants present papers, and a workshop where participants may present work in progress or project ideas.

Proposals are invited for papers that treat the following indicative areas:
• the relationship between gender, power and political authority
• gendered aspects of monarchy; representations of power and authority
• gender, office-holding, policy-making and counsel
• courts, patronage and political influence
• elite culture and political networks
• gender, the public sphere and political participation
• popular politics, protest and petitioning
• manuscript, print, oral, material and visual cultures
• news, intelligence and the spread of information
• political ideas, ideologies and language
• conceptualizations of ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres and what constituted ‘power’ and ‘politics’
• the family as a ‘political unit’
• the politicization of social activities: marriage-arranging, placing children in other households, gift-giving, hospitality and letter-writing

Proposals for papers or workshops, including titles and abstracts (of no more than 300 words) and a brief author biography should be sent to Professor James Daybell (, Plymouth University or Professor Svante Norrhem (, Umeå University before 1 March 2013. There are also a small number of conference bursaries available for junior scholars, which will cover conference fee and accommodation for three nights. If you are interested in being considered for one of the bursaries, please send a CV, brief covering letter and letter of recommendation along with your title and abstract. Conference website:

Activism and Scholarship: A Conference Honoring Amy Swerdlow and Gerda Lerner

Activism and Scholarship: A Conference Honoring Amy Swerdlow and Gerda Lerner

March 1-2, 2013
Free and Open to the Public

Featuring: The keynote Address by Women’s Historian Alice Kessler Harris, distinguished professor at Columbia University and Author of Difficult Women The Challenging Life and Times of Lillian Hellman

Round table discussion about the life and work of Amy Swerdlow and Gerda Lerner moderated by Blanch Weisen Cooke, author of The Biography of Eleanor Roosevelt Volumes 1 and 2.

We still face unending war, economic injustice, potential environmental catastrophe, militarism, institutionalized racism, hunger, homophobia and sexism among other issues. By taking a multi-disciplinary approach, we will explore issues of global peace and justice from a variety of perspectives. We seek to understand the ways in which activists have organized around these issues now and in the past and ask the following questions: What are the issues activists have faced in the past and how might we learn from previous movements? How do current issues intersect and interact and how can activists combine forces to confront these problems and work for social change? With the spirit of Amy Swerdlow and Gerda Lerner as our legacy, can we find the energy and focus to move forward together?

Panel Discussions Include:

Uses of Space: Women’s Global and Local Resistance

Women’s Educational Activism

Transnational Peace Activism

Women’s Efforts for Peace in the U.S. and Great Britain

Women’s LGBT Activism

Women Power for Peace: Linkages in Domestic and International Anti-War and Anti-Imperialist Activism During the Vietnam Era

Register for free at:

Call For Papers: Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender

Call for Papers, Deadline March 15th, 2013

The Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender
The Boston Seminar on the History of Women and Gender invites proposals for
sessions in its 2013-2014 series.  Programs take place alternately at the
Schlesinger Library of the Radcliffe Institute and at the Massachusetts
Historical Society.  The Seminar’s steering committee welcomes suggestions
for papers dealing with all aspects of the history of women and/or gender
in the United States and will also consider projects comparing the American
experience with that in other parts of the world.

Each session focuses on the discussion of a pre-circulated paper.  The
essayist and an assigned commentator will each have an opportunity for
remarks before the discussion is opened to the floor.  Papers must be
available for circulation at least a month before the seminar date.

In developing its 2013-2014 series, the Seminar’s steering committee will
fill some sessions through invitations and others through this call for
papers.  If you would like to be considered for a slot, please send your CV
and a one-page précis of your paper by March 15 to Conrad E. Wright,
Massachusetts Historical Society, 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215,
or to<>.

In your proposal, please indicate when your paper will be available for
distribution.  If there are special scheduling conditions, such as a
planned trip to Boston or an extended period when you cannot make a
presentation, please so indicate in your proposal.

For more information on the Boston Seminar on the History of Women and
Gender visit the series webpage at

Kate Viens, Research Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Society
1154 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02215
Tel: 617-646-0568, Fax: 617-859-0074 – America’s Oldest Historical Society – Founded 1791

Call For Papers: Violent German Women

Violent German Women – Rebels, Revolutionaries, Perpetrators, Abusive Mothers and Violent Lovers

We invite papers that critically examine the portrayal of violent German
women and what motivates their actions. Is violence a uniquely gendered
act? Have women become more violent? We are particularly interested in a
genealogy or trajectory, and the aesthicization of feminine violence.
Rather than looking at women as merely members of the fairer sex, we are
eager to construct a dialogue that illustrates the agency of women in
perpetuating violence, and complicating preconceived notions of gender and
its relationship to violent acts. Some examples might include depictions of
women as rebels, revolutionaries, terrorists, those who seek revenge,
violent mothers, abusive lovers, sado-masochists, and militarists. Of
particular interest is how these women have been portrayed in different
media such as literature, film, drama and art, and how these representations have changed over time. How their feminine violence can be
tied directly to the history of German-speaking lands, experiences, and
national spaces will be the central focus of this panel.

* *

Please submit a 250 word abstract by February 15, to Imke Brust and Nicole
McInteer ( The abstract should include your name,
institutional affiliation, and email address, as well as any audio-visual
requirements for the presentation.

THATcamp Feminisms East at Barnard College

Registration is open for THATcamp Feminisms East, to be hosted by The Barnard Center for Research on Women on Saturday, March 16th, at Barnard College.

What is a THATCamp?

Here are the key characteristics of a THATCamp:

  • It’s collaborative: there are no spectators at a THATCamp. Everyone participates, including in the task of setting an agenda or program.
  • It’s informal: there are no lengthy proposals, papers, presentations, or product demos. The emphasis is on productive, collegial work or free-form discussion.
  • It’s spontaneous and timely, with the agenda / schedule / program being mostly or entirely created by all the participants during the first session of the first day, rather than weeks or months beforehand by a program committee.
  • It’s productive: participants are encouraged to use session time to create, build, write, hack, and solve problems.
  • It’s lightweight and inexpensive to organize: we generally estimate that a THATCamp takes about 100 hours over the course of six months and about $3000 to organize.
  • It’s not-for-profit and either free or inexpensive (under $30) to attend: it’s funded by small sponsorships, donations of space and labor, and by passing the hat around to the participants.
  • It’s small, having anywhere from 25 or 50 to about 150 participants: most THATCamps aim for about 75 participants.
  • It’s non-hierarchical and non-disciplinary and inter-professional: THATCamps welcome graduate students, scholars, librarians, archivists, museum professionals, developers and programmers, K-12 teachers, administrators, managers, and funders as well as people from the non-profit sector, people from the for-profit sector, and interested amateurs. The topic “the humanities and technology” contains multitudes.
  • It’s open and online: participants make sure to share their notes, documents, pictures, and other materials from THATCamp discussions before and after the event on the web and via social media.
  • It’s fun, intellectually engaging, and a little exhausting.

See the website to register:

CALL FOR PAPERS AND PERFORMANCES: DRHA 2013: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts


Forthcoming DRHA 2013 Conference:

University of Winchester

DRHA 2013: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts

Reconceptualising Digital Creativity; Re-mapping Behaviour,

Engagement and the way we Archive in the 21st Century;

Date: Sunday 21st July – Wednesday 24th July 2013.

The theme of this conference will focus on the need to
re-conceptualize the ways in which we engage with digital technology
in particular regard to the speed with which we are exposed to new
technologies. As societies around the world face fundamental
ecological, demographic and economic changes, we are forced to
re-evaluate our relationship with natural and digital resources. Also,
as the next generation of digital natives start to design new
interactive futures, the old paradigms of knowledge exchange, and
social interaction are making way for socialized gaming and crowd
sourcing. The focus for this conference will be to re-imagining new
and contemporary ways for designing digital engagement, looking at
possible events and social practices that lay just around the corner.
Interdisciplinary processes are assumed strategies in this conference
so that we can focus on how we can, using contemporary technology, map
the emerging digital and social landscape

· Assess and engagement
· Managing the shift demographically from passivity to interactivity
· Digital Architectonics, designing the future
· Generating subjective and objective understanding through a
performance paradigm
· Digital mobility; imaging, GPS and mobile technologies
· Somatics; mapping interior spaces
· Open sources and social mediation
· Digital mapping of new theories and territories
· Holography and communication
· Blurring the boundaries between performances inside and outside
· Mapping liminal and liminoid structures in new digital rituals
· Access to digital archives of the preservation local and global knowledge
· Interdisciplinarity, interactivity and performance
· Using digital resources in collaborative creative work, teaching and
learning and scholarship
· Dance and interactive technologies
· Mapping new model of business with reference to sustainability
· Virtual worlds, virtual robots and the gaming industry

There will be a selection of papers from the conference, which will be
published in an issue of the peer reviewed journal BST: Body, Space &
Technology this year.

For over 10 years Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA)
continues to be a key gathering for all those are influenced by the
digitization of cultural activity, recourses and heritage in the UK.
This includes: Scholars, teachers, artists, publishers, librarians,
curators or archivists who all wish to extend and develop access and
preservation regarding digitized information rendered from
contemporary culture and scholarship; the information scientist
seeking to apply new scientific and technical developments to the
creation, exploitation and management of digital resources.

Keynote speakers will include.

1. Janet H. Murray Professor – Graduate Program in Digital Media
School of Literature, Communication and Culture Georgia Institute of
2. Johnny (Sue) Golding is the BIAD Professor of Philosophy & Fine Art
and Director of the Centre for Fine Art Research (CFAR), The School of
Art, Birmingham City
3. Robert Pratten co-founder and Managing Director at Transmedia
Storyteller Ltd
4. Dr Hugh Denard – Assistant Professor in Digital Arts and
Humanities, Trinity College Dublin

We invite original papers, panels, installations, performances,
workshop sessions and other events that address the conference theme,
with particular attention to the theme of ‘Re-mapping Behaviour,
Engagement and the way we Archive’. We encourage proposals with
innovative and non-traditional session formats.

Short presentations, for example work-in-progress, are invited for
poster presentations. Anyone wishing to submit a performance or
installation should visit the conference Website. Details will be
posted soon on the conference website

For information about the spaces and technical equipment and support
available, please check the website for details. All the proposals,
whether papers, performance or poster presentation, should reflect the
critical engagement that lies at the heart of DRHA.

Proposal to post on the Softconf website:

The deadline for submissions will be 31 March 2013. Abstracts should
be between 600 – 1000 words. Letters of acceptance will be sent by
15th of May 2013, when the conference registration will be opened.

Conference Fees

Accommodation with en-suite facilities our outline pricing for
delegates are as follows:

· Full conference fee with en-suite accommodation (Incl. Accommodation
& all meals £390
· Conference fee without accommodation (excl. conference dinner) £180
· Conference fee without accommodation (incl. conference dinner) £190

Day Delegates
· Sunday 21st July £40
· Monday 22nd July £60
· Tuesday 23rd (excl. conference dinner) £60
· Tuesday 23rd (incl. conference dinner) £70
· Wednesday 24th July £40

Discounted Postgraduate Fees

· Full Conference with en-suite accommodation (University Room) £260
· Sunday 21st July £30
· Monday 22nd July £40
· Tuesday 23rd (excl. conference dinner) £40
· Tuesday 23rd (incl. conference dinner) £50
· Wednesday 24th £30

Dr Olu Taiwo

DRHA 2013

Call For Papers: Conference on Global Gender Equality Politics, Stockholm

Global Gender Equality Politics

Since the 1960’s

2013 Stockholm Conference on Global Gender Equality Politics

Stockholm University: 10-11th September 2013

The theme of the conference addresses ongoing gender equality politics as
well as legislation against gender discrimination as part of transnational
transformations. The concepts of human rights, gender equality and
anti-discrimination legislation have gradually become more and more
accepted on a comprehensive global level and have been given a prominent
position in the official rhetoric. In most Western states, gender equality
politics and “state feminism” have become a self-evident part of political
development, including legislation, gender equality reforms, measures and
institutions such as gender equality ombudsmen. However, the criticisms of
the concepts of human rights, gender equality and anti-discrimination as
colonial, racial and Western concepts expose the complexities and
ambivalences that are embedded in gender equality politics and give rise to
some serious questions: How are we going to interpret the success of gender
equality politics? Do the politics in this field maintain or challenge
existing power relations and structures? Or, is the problem the concept of
gender equality itself? What political ideologies and interests have
interfered with the development of this concept? What lines of conflict are
evident? Are gender equality politics and anti-discrimination legislation
to be seen as the outcome of a socialist/social democratic ideology or as a
result of a neo-liberal influenced political agenda?

This conference is meant to be a moment for critical
investigation as well as for understanding historical contexts of gender
politics in different countries. Our intention is to examine the origins,
genealogy, evolution, historical contexts and what might be seen as a
backlash for the feminism and gender equality politics of today. We also
wish to examine the concept of gender equality politics and the political
institution of gender equality ombudsmen. Above all we want to highlight
gender equality politics, strategies and anti-discrimination legislation as
a component in, or an idea of, transnational movements, both historically
and today. We also welcome contributions that examine gender equality
politics from an intersectional point of view.

We invite all modes of work, papers and critical thinking on gender
equality politics and gender discrimination in a globalized world. We
especially invite papers on non-Western and post-authoritarian gender
equality politics and legislation.

Our main questions are: How is gender equality interpreted, and what are
the political consequences of these interpretation processes? How do ideas
of gender equality politics and anti-discrimination legislation spread
globally? How is the concept of gender equality politics approached in
politics and legislation? How are the politics of gender equality situated
in national politics of human rights? How does gender discrimination
intersect with other types of discrimination?

Abstracts, *max*. *one page*, due by March 1st 2013 to

We cannot take more than 60 papers.

*Participants are expected to cover their own costs for travel and hotel,
but a conference dinner, two lunches, and coffee will be provided free of


Website opens by March 1st

Abstracts by March 1st

Answers by March 20th 2013

Papers by June 1st 2013 are to be sent to the conference website

Registration for paper participant by June 1st 2013

Registration for listeners by August 15th 2013

Organizing committee:

Eva Blomberg, Professor in History, Stockholm University

Yulia Gradskova, PhD in History, Stockholm University

Alina Zvinkliene, PhD in Sociology, Södertörn University/Vilnius University

Ylva Waldemarson, Assistant Professor in History, Södertörn University

Referee committee:

Christina Florin, Professor in History, Stockholm University

Helen Carlbäck, Ass. Professor in History, Södertörn University

Silke Neunsinger, Ass. Professor in History, Labour Movement Archives and

Call For Papers: Dangerous Women and Women in Danger

Dangerous Women and Women in Danger
Queen’s University Belfast
8TH-9TH March 2013
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Carol Berkin, Baruch College, New York

Throughout history women have often found themselves in precarious situations or exposed to danger from others. At the same time, women could also pose a threat to others or to themselves. Individual women might also be perceived by society as ‘dangerous’. The image of the ‘dangerous woman’ is a powerful one in many societies in the past. The 2013 First Mondays Women’s History Conference, in celebration of International Women’s Day, will focus on the related theme of dangerous women and women facing peril. We welcome papers from a range of disciplines which explore these themes either through biographical studies or in a more thematic manner.

Abstracts, 200-300 words for a 20 minute paper, should be submitted by 8th February 2013 along with the proposed title, a short biography (100 words max.) and contact details to Ruth Cahir-

Conference Organisers: Ruth Cahir, Sara Irvine, Lisa Lavery and Lynsey Stewart.