t’s that time of the year for our annual meeting call for proposals. The
2014 SHOES meeting will be held at the University of Alabama on Friday
and Saturday, March 21 and 22, 2014. Dr. Philo Hutcheson will be the lead organizer from the University of Alabama. The 2013 meeting at the College of Charleston was a great success thanks to the hard work of Dr. Jon Hale,
Dr. Katherine Chaddock of the University of South Carolina, and Kevin
Zayed of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
We hope to continue the strong SHOES tradition here in Tuscaloosa through
programming and meaningful dialogue. On Friday, March 21, we will meet in
Bibb-Graves Hall on the University of Alabama campus, and on Saturday,
March 22, we will meet at the Hotel Capstone, the conference hotel. (The
University of Alabama will be on spring break as of March 22, which means
that parking will be easier on Friday, March 21, but then, we never know if
there will be repairs on the building’s heating and air conditioning
starting on Saturday, March 22, and either can be of considerable use in
mid-March in Tuscaloosa.) As always, there is no SHOES conference
registration fee.
*Call for Proposals for the March 2014 Meeting*
Annual SHOES meetings provide opportunities for historians to share
research (from emerging to completed) in a variety of formats. SHOES
encourages participation by graduate students and colleagues who have not
previously attended as well as those who are regulars.
The lengths of all sessions and time allotted for presentations will depend
on the number of proposals submitted. We encourage you to forward this call
for proposals to colleagues and anyone who might be interested at your
institution or elsewhere.
You are invited to submit a proposal *(two pages maximum)* in one of the
following categories:
1. *Papers*. The proposal should include the title, name and
affiliation of the author, and a brief (200-word) description or abstract.
The program committee will group several papers into a single session that
includes presentation and discussion time.
2. *Panels*. A panel of three to five members may be proposed to
explore a topic from a variety of perspectives. Please submit the title, a
brief (200-word) descriptive rationale and/or summary of the individual
presentations, and the names, titles, and institutional affiliations of the
3. *Works in Progress*. This type of presentation may include research
efforts at a stage prior to completion. Scholarly discussion with members
of SHOES may enhance the research project. Graduate students seeking
advice regarding their research are especially encouraged to submit a
proposal. Provide a description or rationale (200 words) for the
presentation and your institutional affiliation.
*Proposal Submissions and Meeting Inquiries*
Submit proposals to arrive *no later than January 13, 2014*, to:
SHOES Conference c/o Philo A. Hutcheson
Chair, Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies Department
P.O. Box 870302
301 Graves Hall
College of Education
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0302
Electronic submissions are preferred. Email your attachment (in Microsoft
Word, please) with “SHOES Proposal” in the subject line to:
*Accommodations and Meeting Logistics:*
Tuscaloosa is a wonderful place to visit especially in March! The program
committee will send the final SHOES program in late January 2014. Specific
information about meeting rooms will be included in the program.
We will meet on Friday morning and afternoon, with precise starting times
to be determined when the paper and other proposals are all in. Parking is
available on Friday, March 21 on campus; the top level of North ten Hoor
parking deck (close to Bibb-Graves Hall) for visitors costs five dollars,
or, if you leave after 5:00 pm, there is no charge. Just down the street
from our Friday meetings is The Strip, with a good selection of restaurants
ranging from burgers to sushi. A reception will be held on Friday night.
We will end on Saturday around mid-day with a brief business meeting.
We have blocked rooms at the Hotel Capstone located next to the University
campus and within a 15 to 20 minute walking distance of our meeting
location on Friday. You can call to book a room at a reduced rate – just
mention you are with the SHOES conference being held at the University of
*Hotel Capstone: **205-752-3200
*(group rate available until February 18, 2014)
Helpful links include:
The University of Alabama: http://www.ua.edu/
Hotel Capstone: http://www.hotelcapstone.com/